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This particular galaxy doesn't often appear on SGL so, a few words of introduction - NGC3344 is located in Leo Minor and is relatively isolated. From Earth we see it face on, so its spiral arms are dominant.  Its distance from Earth is a little vague, the Nasa Extragalactic Database giving a minimum estimate of about 20 and a maximum of about 78 million light years,  with a mean of about 41 million light years.  It displays both an inner and an outer ring and is also known as the Sliced Onion Galaxy, apparently named because observing this galaxy is like peeling away the skin of an onion, with magnification as the carving tool.....

The LRGB image below was taken with my Esprit 150 and represents just under 18 hours integration time.




LIGHTS: L:42, R:17, G:26, B:21 x 600s, DARKS:30, BIAS:100, FLATS:40 all at -20C.

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10 hours ago, astro mick said:

One amazing image.So much detail.Hats off to you.


Thanks Mike - I was very pleased with the amount of detail. I do find it amazing how much detail can be revealed by 6 inch refactor :happy11:

10 hours ago, Stargazer33 said:

Striking detail Alan! Some very nice looking background galaxies in there too.

Thanks - yes, those backrgound galaxies look very interesting with some very interesting shapes....

10 hours ago, wimvb said:

Great image of this little galaxy (6.9' according to my notes). Great colour and good detail, even in the "faint fuzzies".

Thanks for sharing

Many thanks Wim, your comment is much appreciated. :hello:


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16 hours ago, HunterHarling said:

Amazing image! It isn't easy to achieve such fine details and Hydrogen regions. I've never seen this galaxy before, I'll have to have a go myself.

Thanks for the comment ! - good luck with your imaging attempt. 


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14 hours ago, MartinB said:

Terrific detail for such a small galaxy and beautiful colour.  Top notch processing.

Thank you Martin.

14 hours ago, jonnydreads said:

Head blown off ?

Thanks :happy3: 

12 hours ago, carastro said:

Fantastic result.  Well done.  Love those East Sussex skies, am going there tomorrow for astro camp.


Hi Carole

Yes, the skies in parts of East Sussex do seem to be very good compared to the UK average. Generally quite dark and with good seeing conditions.

I hope the weather is OK for your astro camp visitation.


10 hours ago, Petergoodhew said:

This is a new one for me.  It's very attractive. Excellent image capture and processing Alan.

I'm going to have to add this one to my "to do" list!


Thanks Peter. 

I find that CCDNavigator is a very good tool for finding attractive looking objects to image - if you choose the advanced imaging catalog, it brings up colour thumbnails of numerous objects as imaged by various world class photographers. However, what is better is that you can filter the objects based on your local horizon/time of day etc. It also seamlessly integrates into ACP which is very handy for remote operation.



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