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Hello, I joined the lounge just over a week ago and I sort of missed the intro part and went straight to a section on observing. Sorry. So this is my formal Hi. I’ve already had lots of help from members since my posts in the observing section. Thank you all. 

I have a Celestron NexStar 6SE which I brought pre owned. It came with some extra goodies - a star sense and a power tank, extra eyepieces, some nice cases to keep things in and a bresser mount for a mobile phone. I have already brought a moon filter as I planned to do lots of observing of the moon. No observing managed at the mo but I’m plodding on with the members help. Thank you again. I’m looking to get a dew shield next then I can see where I want to go with all this once I can manage the basics!

I have always looked up to the stars since a child and had a telescope which I never really understood how to use. I can’t believe it has taken me so so many years to look into astronomy seriously. With my new enthusiasm I joined the astronomy society in my town in October 2018. I have learnt so much from just attending a few meetings and star parties. I’m excited with what astronomy can bring to my life.

The universe awaits. Kerry ?


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Hello Kerry. Welcome to SGL.

Don't worry about not entering via the 'welcome' section. Actually I think I never bothered with that and went straight to a question. People still speak to me!

You have a nice scope setup. If you need any help, you will find everyone on SGL will be more than willing to offer.

Enjoy SGL, and the sky.




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1 hour ago, Quasimodo said:

have learnt so much from just attending a few meetings and star parties.

IHi Kerry

I joined recently too.  I have learned so much from all the folks here on SGL. There are some really knowledgeable people on here and  all glad to help and share their knowledge.  It's fantastic. 







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