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Nice work TJ, Great detail.

Have you cropped this?



Hi Rob.

Its a combination of all the F10 images I have taken since I started autoguiding earlier in the year. I usually take a couple of M57 to check for focus (and because I like it) and I clubbed them all together for this pic. The bummer is that very few of the shots were taken with M57 at zenith, except for a few at Kelling.

Even at F10 the ring makes a very small disc on the dslr chip, so I have cropped and enlarged it. TBH I wouldnt have thought of this if it hadn't been for the advice of Craig Stark (PHD) who implied that imaging at F10 with C9.25 and DSLR is a waste of time, and better to image at F6.3 and enlarge. Nice to see what the 12bit Canons can do though.

Dave, last time I looked at a lit gas ring from the top, I lost my eyebrows, so i'll take your word for it :D


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