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I suspect the transparency won't be good tonight....


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Grrrr, contrails, the bane of my life (and I'm sure many of us). Hoping to have a little session tonight and stepped out to see a potentially clear sky, criss-crossed by numerous contrails. Still, the moon is bright so perhaps it's a sign that the seeing will be steadier, time for some doubles and more of those carbon stars I was looking at.




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That’s quite a few Stu - is it more than usual? Ie it depends on the routes the planes are taking due to prevailing winds?

I’m hoping to get observing later this evening. With the virtually full moon I will need to have a think about targets. Maybe some doubles as you suggest. 

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If it is any consolation I sometimes get those in the evenings but things tend to clear up after sunset.

Re transparency, besides local conditions I find it useful to also check "global" transparency status.


It looks like superb night for most of the UK

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21 minutes ago, jetstream said:

I never knew there could be so many of those... I see a high one a couple of times a week-maybe. Hopefully you can get some good viewing in Stu.

It's not that uncommon to be able to count ten or more planes in the sky at once Gerry. At night if you look towards Heathrow there are always three or four lights in the sky which are the planes on their final approach. The thing is, the trails do disperse but it is all still up there, cutting the transparency and just because you can't see them at night, doesn't mean they are not there.

Anyway, as Vlaiv says, the overall picture is looking good so hopefully I'll get some decent viewing in.

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Quick panoramic shot from my balcony. Looking good for tonight! :)
Excuse my terrible photography, only hope my AP turns out better when I venture down that road! :homework: 

Between the orange house on the left and red house on the right is North. 

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Never thought before that these could be such an issue. Not too happy now as whilst waiting for my first scope I now realise I am on the flight-path for Leeds Bradford (either take off or landing depending on wind). Nothing like LHR of course but does tend to be quite busy last thing at night.



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22 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Never thought before that these could be such an issue. Not too happy now as whilst waiting for my first scope I now realise I am on the flight-path for Leeds Bradford (either take off or landing depending on wind). Nothing like LHR of course but does tend to be quite bust last thing at night.



Waiting for a new scope eh Steve? Exciting times ahead, despite the con trails!! :icon_biggrin:

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35 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Yes, very excited. Also never thought but what effect did the Icelandic volcano eruption have a few years back ?

We had the clearest skies I can remember for a couple of weeks.

That said, how do you make yourself like a complete numpty?

Answer? By making a post about poor transparency! It looks beautifully clear here at the moment!! DOH! :) 

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Just got back in early as I’m up for work in the morning, so need to be away earlier too. Despite the moonlight, with my C8 SCT I managed to nab a whole host of planetaries, one of which as new to me too (NGC7026). Uranus was easy peesy, and Bodes were pretty good also despite the glare from the moon. Cetus A was easily seen too. M42 wasnt too bad either, if a little washed out. Had a quick look at some doubles too, even though the seeing was average. Wish I could have stayed out more!

Hope you all get some good views too! :) 

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2 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Yes, very excited. Also never thought but what effect did the Icelandic volcano eruption have a few years back ?

I remember that after they grounded the planes because if the Icelandic volcano, the quality of seeing improved dramatically. Jupiter in my 120ED refractor was breath taking, and the detail was like looking at the planet through a spaceship window from only a few hundred miles away! 

I'm all for grounding the planes! And if anyone needs to go abroad, let them go by peddlo!! :icon_biggrin:

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Hello Stu, 

All the contrails up here in North Yorkshire just blended into a high haze that with the moonlight just killed any chances of me trying to imaging in Ha.

Made  a lovely large halo around the moon though...

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1 hour ago, tomato said:

Hello Stu, 

All the contrails up here in North Yorkshire just blended into a high haze that with the moonlight just killed any chances of me trying to imaging in Ha.

Made  a lovely large halo around the moon though...

Shame! It's been pretty good down here, the seeing has been very steady for once! I've just gawped at the moon for a couple of hours ;) 

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Just back inside after about 5 hours out with the scope. Mainly stars for me tonight, finished off with the moon through various filters. I did spend a fair while looking for Bodes as I have done on previous nights however it eluded me once again. Oh well, I should have a goto in a week or two then I'll have them ticked off my list! :) 

Clear skies all! :icon_biggrin:

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