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60 hour widefield NAN with Paul Kummer.


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Paul and I got to six panels last year in HaRGB with this one then, last week, we added three more panels to the top. This is my processing, starting with a slightly Film Noir looking Ha version of the full field! (Tak 106/Atik 11000/Mesu200/Astrodon 3nm filter.)


Again, my processing this time, with HaRGB. The 9 panels have, typically, an hour per colour each and about 3.5 hours Ha. For aesthetic reasons this is a slight crop to favour the NAN and Pelican. We also shot some short luminance exposures on Deneb at much higher resolution (TEC 140/Atik 460/Mesu 200).

Processing in AstroArt, Registar, Pixinsight and Ps CS3.


Larger: https://photos.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-tNkNgTz/0/8ae417f6/O/NAN 9 Panel HaRGB 60 Hrs Web.jpg

Olly and Paul.


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The mono gets it from me.... You've got a nice structure and contrast to the middle of the NAN that can often appear flat...... There seems much more 'oomph' in the mono version than the colour.. the colour is nice, but the mono is beautiful :)

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Yup, there's no denying the difficulty of giving a natural colour image the Um-Chitty of a mono if the scene is dominated by one wavelength, as it is here.  However, I'm wedded to natural colour so I do what I can. The almighty saw fit not to put a nice reflection nebula in this field which was, frankly, a mistake! :icon_mrgreen:


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6 minutes ago, johnfosteruk said:

Outstanding image. love the mono, love the colour, love the structure in NAN and the pelican. More please.

Paul is well on his way to imaging the entire universe in Ha! For fun we tagged this onto a couple of his existing projects. The whole region is almost absurdly replete with stunning structures on vast, vast scales.


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3 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Paul is well on his way to imaging the entire universe in Ha! For fun we tagged this onto a couple of his existing projects. The whole region is almost absurdly replete with stunning structures on vast, vast scales.


and this is one of those structures that is so recognizable that it just has to be done.

Sixty hours well spent, very well done. :icon_salut:

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A famous photographer is supposed to once have said something along the lines of: "When all else fails, you can use color."

In this case he was wrong.

Stunning mosaic, Olly and Paul.

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Regarding the mono, I should say that I did give Sh2 119 (the extended nebula on the left) and Sh2 115 (upper right) a slight lift relative to the the NAN and Pelican in order to bring out their structure. They are, in reality, just a tad fainter than they appear here.


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