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DewControl Quad Channel Digital Dew Controller - Now Improved


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In October of last year I posted a review of the 'Quad Channel Digital Dew Controller' from a company called DewControl https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/280173-dewcontrol-dew-controller-and-heater-tapes/#comment-3067032.  The website for the company is here: http://www.dewcontrol.com/

I liked the product back in October and I continue to like the product today.  However, in my October review I did write: "One possible downside (or upside depending on your point of view) is that, when you power down, the unit does not 'remember' your settings."  I must admit that I was caught out on two occasions by this.  This was my fault of course.  I need my gadgets to protect me from myself.

Tim Duke of DewControl has now come to my rescue.  He has updated his controller so that this is no longer an issue.  The unit does not appear to have changed in appearance (at least to these eyes).  It looks like this (please note the yellow arrows are my PS addition and not part of the unit):


The unit is simple to operate.  The only button is the one I have highlighted with my yellow arrows.  As before you press the highlighted button (hold down for less than 1 sec) to cycle between 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 percent output.  The lights on the left of the picture illuminate as follows: 0% power =  no lights, then each light comes on singly for 20, 40, 60 and 80 percent.  All four lights are illuminated at 100% power.  So the pictured unit is putting out 80% power on channel 1.

To switch channels, you just hold the same button down for a bit longer (ie, more than one second) and release.  All four channels can be set at different outputs if desired.

The good news is that you now have the option to set the Mk II so that on power up it either resets all outputs to zero or remembers your previous settings.  To cycle whether the unit remembers or not, the user holds the same highlighted button down as you power the unit on - so decide which way you want the unit to behave.  Set it once.  Then forget about it.  

I have only had the Mk II unit a couple of days and I have tested the 'remembering settings' mode.  It is remembering with 100% reliability so far.  I have tried a heater tape in all 4 sockets and it all works as it should.  The unit is lightweight and modestly sized.  It comes with a belt-style clip for easy attachment to your scope or mount.  We will clip ours to the elasticated part of our heater band as we did with the Mk I unit (see review linked to above).

Tim can supply the unit with different cable lengths and power connection types - see his website for details.   He seems a reasonable chap to deal with via e-mail.  

I still have no connection with Mr Duke or his company - I'm just a satisfied customer.   


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5 hours ago, swag72 said:

Just what I was after Steve - Sadly, try as I might I seem unable to get any kind of contact with the company :( I'm giving it a final go, then I'll look elsewhere.

How odd.  I found that he responded fairly quickly to e-mails - tim@dewcontrol.com

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