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NGC2264 - Christmas tree cluster, Cone nebula and lots of nebulosity


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Another foray into HaLRGB imaging....... I can't say that I'm finding it as difficult as before and I think that this is entirely down to the amount of data I'm using. I'm using almost the same amount of RGB as luminance. I know that may seem decadent, but I honestly know my limitations and if this makes processing easier then it works for me :) 

I decided to have another go at an image with the dual Taks - They are so perfect that I don't want to take them off... but I know that I must! I am also going to find single scope capture VERY slow in comparison... anyone got a spare 152mm refractor around that they don't want? :D 

If you think that there is something wrong with this image, then please do say...... Don't keep it to yourself..... Please :) I can't improve otherwise :)

M: Mesu 200
T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x
C: QSI683 and Moravian G2-8300 with Baader LRGB filters and Astrodon 3nm Ha filter.

70x300s R,G and B
15x1800s Ha
55x1200s Luminance

Totalling 43 hours and 20 minutes.

You can see a larger version on my website here



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The data has brought out the definition really well. Regards the colours. I have just purchased a very nice I7 laptop with the expensive Adobe RGB & sRGB screen upgrade so I'm having to re-adapt to the new colour spectrums. I've picked up on Olly's point on the magenta tinge to the stars and this, with my new vivid colours, I think, has had an effect on the blue. I'm sure it could be a little bolder, but again, the Adobe colours could be affecting my brain . Fabulous detail though.


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3 hours ago, swag72 said:

anyone got a spare 152mm refractor around that they don't want?

I can't help it...is that a spare 152mm refractor you have or are you just pleased to see me? :)

I can only dream at being able to capture not only the quantity of data but also the quality of data you have. Like Olly and Steve above, I think you could boost your blue a lot more. When I look at some recent cone images:

Their fields of view are smaller, but the reflection nebula is much more pronounced. It's all a matter of taste. I like your wider field of view whilst still retaining the high levels of detail, but I prefer the higher contrasts between red and blue in Patrick's.


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Really nice Sara.  43+ hours - gee whizz.  

I would say that the splodgy bit that the cone points at (excuse the technical language) seems a much richer blue in other images that I have seen of this.  I wonder if it is richer in the plain old LRGB (or RGB) image and, if so, could the colour be painted in (sorry for causing angst caused to the PI faithful :wink:) using a Photoshop mask?

Or maybe that's the way you want it.  Why are you wasting your time reading my drivel?   As Manuel might say, "I know nothing".

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Well done Sara :hello2: a great image - top drawer.

I'm especially pleased to see you have differing shades and tones of Ha emission across the image.  Some stars do look a little mauve, eg bottom right corner, and I also wonder if you could drag a little more crunchy contrast out of the Fox Fur - great contrast in structure is a strength of yours and the strong Ha signal could help lift this area in your image and provide a focal point.

Sharp tight stars, wonderful reflection nebula: could it be bluer, less mauve?  Quite personal perhaps.

Overall a super image and I'm glad to read that you're getting more comfortable with HaRGB - tonnes of data really helps :thumbsup:

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Out of interest, what did your RGB look like? When I did this it came out quite strongly magenta so I preserved that when I added Ha. This was certainly a minority view!! I haven't been back to it since so maybe it was temporary insanity. (Temporary? Ever the optimist...)


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2 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Out of interest, what did your RGB look like? When I did this it came out quite strongly magenta so I preserved that when I added Ha. This was certainly a minority view!! I haven't been back to it since so maybe it was temporary insanity. (Temporary? Ever the optimist...)


I had a magenta tone to mine too and kept that throughout like you.

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1 minute ago, ollypenrice said:

Out of interest, what did your RGB look like? When I did this it came out quite strongly magenta so I preserved that when I added Ha. This was certainly a minority view!! I haven't been back to it since so maybe it was temporary insanity. (Temporary? Ever the optimist...)


I went back and looked at the RGB prior to luminance or Ha being added and I was really surprised at how magenta the stars really were....... So I've ended up forcing the blue to meet the general consensus but it wasn't there in my data...... I'm interested to hear that you found it naturally magenta as did I.

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Thanks Steve and Barry for your thoughts :) So you ended up with magenta too Barry..... Why then are we trying to get blue stars and reflection? Is it the scope? Assuming that mine is taken with the same scope that Olly used and yours was perhaps the FSQ85 as well?

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4 minutes ago, swag72 said:

Thanks Steve and Barry for your thoughts :) So you ended up with magenta too Barry..... Why then are we trying to get blue stars and reflection? Is it the scope? Assuming that mine is taken with the same scope that Olly used and yours was perhaps the FSQ85 as well?

Sorry Sara, I meant that in the RGB the wash of nebula was magenta coloured and I kept the darker tone when I added the Ha, see here.

Yes, I used my FSQ85 but 'lost' some of the frame when I upgraded SGP half-way through the project and forgot to reset the 'synch' preference for quite a few frames and I didn't centre exactly, so my frame is slightly different to yours.

My stars were distinctly RGB coloured though.

Just seen Olly's post, which also clarifies.

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23 hours ago, swag72 said:

Here's my RGB without luminance or Ha added .....


RGB_No Ha_SGL.jpg

Yup, that's really my point. See how magenta the nebulosity is? Mine was even more so, but that could be LP/LP filters or whatever. When I did the Cone I decided to try to preserve that magenta thing when addng the Ha. I think I was influenced by Bob Anderson on PAIG at the time. He was beavering away on the 'true colour of Ha' and doing lab experiments. Anyway I just said, 'magenta it is and magenta it stays.' I have to say it really is a 'minority opinion.' It's on my smugmug site but I won't post a link on a Sara post!!!


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