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Heads up - Televue 20% sale


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I know that it isn't the reailer's fault. But, I really can't get excited about Sale Prices that are North of the old standard price.

That 24mm Panoptic is calling though.......

I have just given my wife all of my bank cards for the weekend. Strangely. She seems immune to the Green & Black "Buy Me NOW Demons".


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1 hour ago, Paul73 said:

I know that it isn't the reailer's fault. But, I really can't get excited about Sale Prices that are North of the old standard price.


No kidding Paul. There was talk of the last 15% off sale not being all that great a deal but this 20% off sale is hardly better given recent hikes in prices. As you say though it's not the retailers fault but I'm just glad I got my 3-6 zoom when I did.

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From memory, the price hike was independent of recent democratic events. They can't help though.

Of course, you are correct to point out that it is 20% off the normal price now. So, is a good deal. They are splendidly good eyepieces. I have several and have sold a few. The Ethos 21mm is quite simply the best there is (I really shouldn't have sold that one).

So, as the OP says. Fill your boots!


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Its going to be very tempting for some folk.

I too have just opened my email box to find the TeleVue discounts ?  yet I`m still waiting to  fully assess  my present Delos line-up ( I will find time during December - weather/time permitting ).
So far I`m still not seeing any real advantage over my non-premium BST's,  in-fact so little advantage that I have already considered moving them on, sticking with the Starguiders. 
My TV's  were bought to simply  compare with the BST's  (  how else could I compare ) and the assumption that I would purchase/own  the 300P?

Situations are always changing? so it looks like I'm keeping the 8" (200P) for a while longer now, and  as for the Delois, I'm still not sure, but  should/if I need any more,  they  can still be bought at rock bottom prices, if your prepared to look and wait.
Moonshane sold me my  dearest one?  but  full respect  to Moonshane, it was  still dirt cheap, and I paid  less for the other two, so there are bargains to be had, you just have to be quick, But I'm in no doubt, some  folk upgrading their present TeleVue range may  be selling their present TeleVues?

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1 hour ago, Davesellars said:

Yep but those old prices don't exist anymore and they won't come ever come down again save for discounted like now.  Fine for those who bought pre-referendum and the subsequent price hikes caused by the falling GBP.

I wouldn't be so sure. It's just not good business to price yourself to far out of the range of your competitors. Of course there is the possibility they already did that and now the only way they can turn a sustaining profit is through inflating prices as apposed to large volume sales. I don't think ES helped any as TV prices remained quite consistent for some time but in recent years with more and more competitors offering similar spec at lower prices TV's prices have steadily rose where ES for example, have come down. When something new comes on the market it often cost a fortune but supply and demand allow the prices to fall. ES prices have come right down where TV are going up despite being around for a lot longer. A nagler, panoptic, ethos are no different now to what they were when they were 5 years ago yet the prices have gone up. Inflation aside what are you paying the extra for ???

There is no denying TV eyepieces are some of the best on the market and I think by constant price hikes they are well aware of the somewhat cult following they have. But good or not there will come a point where they will price themselves beyond that of most armature astronomers and the only time they will see sales is on these clear the shelves discounts events

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I agree to a large extent certainly in the case where ES have produced the 82 degree and 100 degree range which directly competes with Nagler and Ethos.  The difference beteeen them is probably negligible for the majority and you can buy three ES82 eyepieces for the price of one Nagler.....

So I think these models are where TV could be hurt and perhaps the Plossls which to me are a bit of a daft price but when you consider they hold their price so well is perhaps not so much of a bad deal.  Lesser eyepieces you may not be able to sell on or lose a huge amount on.  However, you'd have to consider that for the price of a Plossl you can have a Nagler like eyepiece with the ES82 range.

The Pentax XW range on some retailers is now showing the pretty much the same price as the Delos.  It seems to me not just Televue.  Vixen with their new range are equally expensive. Is it the market or costs that have shot up in Japan or wherever these premium eyepieces are manufactured?

People will buy premium eyepieces regardless in the same way that people will by a Mercedes instead of a Ford.  Explore Scientific eyepieces even if they were almost equally good as a Televue most likely would not sell at close to the Televue price because of the TV "prestige".  This most likely drove ES to drop their prices to be competitive and garner sales in a more affordable market.  Seriously, if the prices were almost equal and even if the performance was proven to be equal would you still purchase the ES over the TV?

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I like the ES range a lot. But, no, I wouldn't chose them over their TV Equivalent. The TV's are "a bit" better across the board. I'm currently "slumming it" with the ES 20mm 100°......

Worth the money for tele "a bit"? Personal choice. Or, Bank Manager's choice.


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As people may know I have a bit of a downer on televues after the price hike. But there is no denying IMO they make probably some of the finest eyepieces around. And IMO you only need to buy once ,and they are an eyepiece for life  . That is unless you wish to upgrade to a wider angle eyepiece in the televues range☺

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58 minutes ago, Davesellars said:

 Seriously, if the prices were almost equal and even if the performance was proven to be equal would you still purchase the ES over the TV?

Funny you say that because I actually did sell off a set of naglers and replaced them with a set of both ES 82 & 100° eyepieces!

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