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November 4th - H Alpha with PST


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Having has to sell my 60 DS system for financial reasons, I now only have my PST at home.  I had a look this morning, and couldn't resist to attempt some snaps to see if it was possible to get anything worthwhile.  I was pleased that I got anything to be honest, but at least I know if there is anything spectacular on the disk I can at least get a personal momento.  However, I don't think I'll be inflicting many images on you good people on this forum :icon_biggrin:.  I still have my white light facility so I'll be ready and waiting for the next spectacular sunspot group :smile:.

Pic taken at 12.19pm, 1/125 sec at 500 asa. Olympus E-M10.


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49 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Nice shot. Sorry to hear the LS60 DS had to go

Many thanks Michael.  Yes, I'll miss the DS, but then again at least I have the PST.  I can remember how marvellous it was when the PST came out and I bought one at once, I was so thrilled by what it would show - how many people in all the years leading up to that time could have imagined that HA viewing could be available for such a modest price.  Well, it still gives me a thrill when I see the Sun's image through any solar telescope so I'm not complaining.  I can still get up to The Astronomy Centre and use one of the PST mods as well  so I can still have my HA fix :icon_biggrin:.  I also love to look at other folks fine images they post on this forum, so my interest won't be waning at all.  Thanks again Michael.

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Very many thanks Pete, it's nice to be back on the forum after my deer adventures.  I agree with your comments on the PST, if there wasn't so much other (more expensive!) gear around, people would be climbing over each other to get hold of one :grin:.


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Thanks for inflicting the image on us Paul :thumbsup: keep 'em coming.

Sorry to hear about the DS but the PST seems to be doing a good job. Shame you can't punt a kidney too, have you got health insurance? I'm sure we don't need all 10 fingers if you know what I'm saying :)

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12 hours ago, johnfosteruk said:

Thanks for inflicting the image on us Paul :thumbsup: keep 'em coming.

Sorry to hear about the DS but the PST seems to be doing a good job. Shame you can't punt a kidney too, have you got health insurance? I'm sure we don't need all 10 fingers if you know what I'm saying :)

Many thanks John, good to hear from you.  Now there's a thought, yes I have health insurance.  I'll have to check the policy, see what I'd get for my various bits and work out which are surplus to requirements :grin:.

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12 hours ago, johnfosteruk said:

Thanks for inflicting the image on us Paul :thumbsup: keep 'em coming.

Sorry to hear about the DS but the PST seems to be doing a good job. Shame you can't punt a kidney too, have you got health insurance? I'm sure we don't need all 10 fingers if you know what I'm saying :)

Many thanks Paul.  Yes, you're quite right of course, equipment does come and go.  I'm also not to far from The Astronomy Centre near Todmorden where there is some great kit I can use - including some PST Mods.  :smile:


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Very nice shot from your PST Paul, clearly you have a good one.  Shame about your Lunt DS, still with reducing activity on the sun for a couple of years, the PST makes good sense and then think about something bigger when the time comes.

Not sure if you have thought about a Quark?  If you get a good one, they can produce some good results.


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