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sol 6-9-16 12.45


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total cloud here in south wales, but pigs do fly, and i got 1 frame "i didnt stax it :icon_biggrin:", im just waiting for a Quark to arrive, so passing the time sat at the rig willing sol to appear, but it didnt break cloud so turn up the iso and took a few shots and ended up with the one usable shot just for the record. iso 400, 2sec shot. same kit as allways. thanks for looking, and hope you all have better skys than me.  charl.


sol 6-9-16 12.45.png


sol 6-9-16 12.45 col.png

 THIS IS A ZOOM WARNING at your own risk.

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15 minutes ago, paulastro said:

So you've ordered a Quark?!  That's great news, when is

thanks Paul, ive got a 2nd hand one coming on trial with View to buy if i get on ok with it, a whole new learning curve for me, so get ready for me to pick your brains mate. clear skys  charl. ps gets here today or tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, xtreemchaos said:

thanks Paul, ive got a 2nd hand one coming on trial with View to buy if i get on ok with it, a whole new learning curve for me, so get ready for me to pick your brains mate. clear skys  charl. ps gets here today or tomorrow.

That's fantastic charl.  It's especially good that you have one to check out first.  I have lots of notes somewhere from when I had my Quark(s), so if I can help in any way I will.  Having said that I'm sure you'll manage very well with it.  Also of course there's lots of helpful folks on this forum with plenty of experience with Quarks. :smile:

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Well caught, charl.

We had another good day today - the past couple of weeks have gone some way to make up for the really awful skies we had for months earlier this year - and I got some good views in Ha. Those spots are impressive and the two massive filaments are a wonderful sight to behold.

Looking forward to reading about how you get on with the Quark. Hope it goes well. ??

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thanks Gordon, glad you have had some good views mate, i remember you had it bad for quite a while, im hoping to get eyes on the group tomorrow, i hate missing all the action,  last thursday was the last time i got any vis. hope it keeps clear for you. charl.

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