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My first dedicated prom animation!


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Well, the sun was so devoid of any spots on the 19th, I went to imaging proms. This is actually the first time I have specifically focused on a prom animation. It is quite a different kettle of fish compared to surface detail. This is a 65-min animation. I am still trying to work out some settings, such as how far to go with gamma. In this animation, the prom itself is a minor one but there were some nice streamers during the sequence. I am sure I will improve in the coming days.

ImPPG did an impressive job in aligning the frames. The only issue is that the disk changed orientation slightly, which is not visible while watching the video, but prevented me from superimposing a black silhouette in a way that remained in constant position. I'll have to figure out the reason. But otherwise I am quite happy with the alignment!



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Excellent capture!

41 minutes ago, cshahar said:

The only issue is that the disk changed orientation slightly,

This is clearly field rotation due to imperfect polar alignment of the mount. As it happens, the algorithm used by ImPPG (phase correlation) can be extended to also compensate for rotation, I may give it a go one day.

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2 hours ago, cshahar said:

... I am sure I will improve in the coming days.

Knowing nothing about imaging, I can't imagine how you will improve on that. But I'll take your word for it.

Excellent stuff, Charles. Thankyou.

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That's a super animation Charles. Not sure how ImPPG handles these but I probably do it the old fashioned way, processing a number of sub-frames individually using Batch Image Manipulation Programme for GIMP and then stringing them into a gif or similar. This potentially allows you to put the black silhouette in place in the source frames. 

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Wonderful! Re gamma, it's definitely worth experimenting with keeping the gamma low to give a darker background, then  stretching the data like crazy in post processing. It's amazing what pops up. This looks just right to me though, and you've somehow avoided the graininess/noise which I always struggle with.  


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Thanks all! The comments are very encouraging.

Hi Bonnylad: I didn't know I still had a sig. Actually, it was taken with a 127mm refractor and ZWO174MM camera. I am still using the Daystar Quantum filter.

Hi GreatAttractor: So it is field rotation! I was wondering what that jerk between the last and first frames was about in all the longer animations I have taken. I don't have a permanent base for my mount so every outing is an approximation for polar alignment. I would really love to have a correction built into your program! I would even pay a donation. I would then re-do all of my previous animations! Would you consider it?

John, I have the .4A version of the Quantum. Not a Quark chromosphere, but yes, you can see plenty of prom detail with it.

Dave, interesting what you say about GIMP. I am waiting to see if GreatAttractor will program a correction for field rotation into ImPPG .

Iain, thanks for confirming that fact about gamma! In my next animation the gamma is fairly low and the contrast is much enhanced!


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