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Hi from Brixham in Devon


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Hello, everybody.

Following a neighbourhood star party (concentrating on the planets) by an astro-fanatic French friend (when we lived in France), I promised myself to investigate this hobby further as time and circumstance permitted. Well, back in England and with plenty of time, that opportunity has come.

I've made contact with the local astronomical society, so will be pursuing that further next month. In the meantime, I've dug out the old 10x50 bins, dusted off the Collins Guide to Stars and Planets, re-familiarised myself with Stellarium on Linux, and spent hours over the last few days just gazing up. With a little town light pollution - not in the same league as black rural France - but gob-smacking all the same, I made out the Andromeda galaxy for the first time in my life. That's been followed by the Eagle and Lagoon nebulae, and last night, the Garnet Star.

No kit yet, so will be looking for advice (and some hands-on next month at an observing evening), and offering any support in return as I hopefully get more proficient.

Pleased to meet you all.



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9 hours ago, bunnygod1 said:

Hi John welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire :icon_biggrin: my father was based at the coastal battery in Brixham during part of WW2 circa 41-43.

Battery Gardens are a favourite spot for watching all sorts going on in the bay. I've got it earmarked as a potential site for wide-view night shots.

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