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Failed mosaic attempt Sun 18_7_16


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I captured 9 ser files on Monday with the intention of having a go at a mosaic of the full disk.  Two days later and I am not having complete success.  I cannot find a way to equalise the levels of each pane enough to allow seamless stitching.  I get tonal differences around the 'seams' and slight misalignment.  An example stitched disk is posted at the end below and you can see a light band across the centre.  Any tips?  In the meantime also here is a slightly different process I'm trialling on one of the limb/prom panes from that sequence of what I nicknamed the 'Lobster' prom (well that's how it looked to me through the EP anyway!).





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Looks great to me! I use the free stitching program Microsoft ICE (Image Composite Editor) which seems to cope with just about anything, and adjusts for different levels automatically. You just dump all the images in without any preparation and a few seconds later Voila.


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2 minutes ago, Iainp said:

Looks great to me! I use the free stitching program Microsoft ICE (Image Composite Editor) which seems to cope with just about anything, and adjusts for different levels automatically. You just dump all the images in without any preparation and a few seconds later Voila.


I'll try that Iain.  I used Autostitch which does pretty much the same but no harm in trying other methods. Thanks for the tip.

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Nice lobster coloured image :)

Don't know why the mosaic wouldn't, did you have very long between frames ? the quicker you capture them the better I find,

Perhaps Michael the mosaic maestro can shed some light.

I've used Autostich, OK generally, found MICE a bit hit and miss also P'Shop a bit iffy.


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1 hour ago, bunnygod1 said:

At least its stitched i guess, my attempt was an even bigger fail. You could try a "synthetic" flat to help with the uneven light band. @michael.h.f.wilkinson is the master of Solar mosaics!

Hi Pete thanks for the tips. I'm following Michael's methods and I have left him separate note.  The synthetic flat attempt I did was a tragedy so I gave up on that.

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Some nice frames there. Did you sharpen the individual panes before attempting to stitch them? I know some people don't do it that way but I find it helps getting a mosaic to come together. Uneven tone tends to be due to one of a couple of things. Assuming you have a flat field in the first place (not the case with my PST but flats can help here) then it is usually due to variations in transparency whilst capturing (usually high thin cloud that you may not even notice at capture). Tricky to solve the latter.

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2 hours ago, David Smith said:

Some nice frames there. Did you sharpen the individual panes before attempting to stitch them? I know some people don't do it that way but I find it helps getting a mosaic to come together. Uneven tone tends to be due to one of a couple of things. Assuming you have a flat field in the first place (not the case with my PST but flats can help here) then it is usually due to variations in transparency whilst capturing (usually high thin cloud that you may not even notice at capture). Tricky to solve the latter.

Hi David, yes I did sharpen. I didn't take a flat so I will try that next time. Also I think I should be fixing exposure on a pane that fills the ROI with surface detail (not a limb pane) and then sticking with that throughout. That's what my brain is telling me anyway.

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4 hours ago, David Smith said:

Some nice frames there. Did you sharpen the individual panes before attempting to stitch them? I know some people don't do it that way but I find it helps getting a mosaic to come together. Uneven tone tends to be due to one of a couple of things. Assuming you have a flat field in the first place (not the case with my PST but flats can help here) then it is usually due to variations in transparency whilst capturing (usually high thin cloud that you may not even notice at capture). Tricky to solve the latter.

Hi David, the synthetic flat worked quite well actually.  Here is the result so let's call it my first 9 pane solar mosaic.



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