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3 sets of rain showers today after last nights thunderstorm has cleaned the skies, very high transparency.

First off I'll list the prize tonight, B352 and B353 near the NAN and seen with no filter- what a stark, black contrast those two "thumbprints" are!!


I'm going to list some nebula that typically need filters but under good skies portions of them can be seen:

NAN- Gulf section easy, with the rest a bit fainter, Pelican a faint glow

Crescent neb- this is surprising really, a sharp, short streak can be seen near the "triangle" locator stars

Veil neb- easy, both sections and even patches of the Wisp and the "claw" of the eastern Veil showed nicely


OIII filter observing produced fine views tonight, IC 1318 was nicely contrasted and all those nebs listed above were amazing!:smiley: The whole NGC 7000 area has nebulosity in it, it just never seems to end. After using images for maps- I have many- I now am confident that the neb on the "other" side of the Gulf is Sh2-119 and while faint is actually easy to see. I like warming up before getting serious to obs so after a good round on the Big Veil I went back over to the "little Veil" Sh2-91, now this is a good test of conditions and dark adaptation. The 10" dob pulled it in though for success on this very tough object system- I obs the portion labeled 01 on the map tonight. After obs this faint object my eyes were ready to go back to the bright NAN....

The scope set up used was the VX10 f4.8/Lumicon OIII/21mm,17mmEthos and the SQM-L gave up 21.8 under high transparency skies.




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Nice report. You can't beat a good neb session - something I don't get to do very often. The veil with an OIII is one of the few that can be seen from my light polluted back garden (when it's high), but it's not the same  as a dark sky with good transparency.

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Very interesting descriptions and detailing again Gerry in undoubtedly perfect circumstances for observing, the short sharp streak within the crescent nebula area is a quite curious encounter.  Should start to become dark enough by the end of this month to venture out once more from my location, so a thunder storm preceding a visit to my favourite dark site, followed by a night of dry air / high transparency would be something to relish (dream on). Look forward to further reports.

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On 06/07/2016 at 22:00, scarp15 said:

Very interesting descriptions and detailing again Gerry in undoubtedly perfect circumstances for observing, the short sharp streak within the crescent nebula area is a quite curious encounter.  Should start to become dark enough by the end of this month to venture out once more from my location, so a thunder storm preceding a visit to my favourite dark site, followed by a night of dry air / high transparency would be something to relish (dream on). Look forward to further reports.

i will order it for our Starbque night of the 3rd September for you Iain

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OK looks good Michael, I will note that date down. I am hoping for a head start and will anticipate any opportunities for a trip out from Friday 5 August, quoting from another thread - The exact timing depends on latitude and desperation.

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