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CCD camera control software?

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I'm considering getting a CCD camera.  My deliberations of my options have so far produced a short list of the ATIK 460 or 490 cameras or a SX Trius 694.

I now need to add software options into the mix.  MaximDL is out as it's well beyond my budget.

  • What would be your suggestions as to the best low cost software for controlling any of these cameras?  
  • Is the bundled software any good?


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If you get the Atik camera, their own Artemis software is very easy to use for just capture.

If you want total functionality, including plate solve, auto flip, auto focus then SGP is the best out there in my opinion.

Artemis is free !!

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Not for the first time, I agree with Sara. I use Artemis and like it, though I may move to SGP in the end, partly because so many of our guests are now familiar with it.

One other thought: a piece of Ian King advice from a long time ago was, 'If it isn't working, run it in its own software.' The fact that Atik have good software may be a bonus here.


PS One I wouldn't use unless I had to (and I do!) is Nebulosity. On a Mac the screen stretch is a pain but, worst of all, I cannot take workable flats in it. I have had to start takiong flats in AstroArt because those taken in Nebulosity seemed not to be adequately flushed and always over corrected.

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I agree too - got an ATIK 414EX a couple of months back and hope to be able to use it soon ;-)

But, I have had a play and ARTEMIS is simplicity in itself. If ATIK develop it to include a few other basic features like dithering, it would be even better! APT also works with ATIK cameras and I have used it with my DSLR for a long time, but not really got into it with the CCD yet... as ARTEMIS is just so simple.

At the very least ARTEMIS will get you up and running and familiar with the camera before you know it, and give you time to figure out what else you might want from other software.


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6 minutes ago, Marky1973 said:

 ......If ATIK develop it to include a few other basic features like dithering, it would be even better! .....

As I understand it, Artemis does indeed dither, but you need to be using an Atik guide cam to run it.

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APT will control CCD cameras, and I think the latest version also has plate solve and dithering.

I tried using the SX software that came with my Trius 694 but it never got further than trying to display an image when I got a message saying Win couldn't display the BMP. I now use AA5 to do my capture because I couldn't get on with the weird places APT store the images, while AA5 gives you the choice.

APT does have a better night-mode though.

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5 minutes ago, swag72 said:

As I understand it, Artemis does indeed dither, but you need to be using an Atik guide cam to run it.

Ah, sorry Sara, my mistake, I am easily confused.

Thinking about it, it (ARTEMIS) won't necessarily guide out of the box either will it? In the same way, it can, but I think you need ASCOM set up and working so you can open two copies of ARTEMIS....not a problem as I have been using PHD2 anyway.

But, like I said, I am easily confused.... if I am wrong again I may just need a posting ban for a couple of weeks! :-)

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I use SGP with a 490EX (also with my Moravian G4-16000) and find it perfect for semi-automatic operation. Others use it in fully-automatic remote mode. Extra features like the Framing and Mosiac Wizard add-in make it stand above the rest IMHO. I have many software options for capturing image data but SGPro I found the best.

Camera choice is more difficult when you have more than one 'scope you want to use it with, the 490EX I would say works very well with short f/l refractors but also produces nice results with my ODK12 @ 2040mm f/l (it shouldn't on paper, but it does.. :-) ). There are many other camera options though which I assume you already considered.


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Yeah Freddie - it's all coming back to me now! It can dither, but you need to be guiding through ARTEMIS with an ASCOM set-up mount if I remember from the manual - I knew there was something in there about ASCOM... I'm not ASCOMed up yet, so don't have that option at the mo!

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Keep it simple, use Artemis (if using an Atik camera). Its free, does what it says on the tin with no fuss and its a small install :)

Plus Atik are always developing it, and they are open to suggestions for ways to improve it.


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2 hours ago, Marky1973 said:

Yeah Freddie - it's all coming back to me now! It can dither, but you need to be guiding through ARTEMIS with an ASCOM set-up mount if I remember from the manual - I knew there was something in there about ASCOM... I'm not ASCOMed up yet, so don't have that option at the mo!

No, you just need to be running Artemis for capture and PHD for guiding with the dither command in the command line of Artemis.

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The manual I have suggests you can dither when guiding, but need to have ASCOM to guide... so I may well have a different manual, or just be confused.... anyway, something else to have a play around with when the nights start to draw in again.

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Hi Michael,

                If you go for the SX I can highly recommend Nebulosity. Like most of Craig Stark's astro software, it is user friendly, intuitive and easy to use (it's also quite cheap). It also has some great pre-processing, stacking and processing functions. It is also fully compatible with PhD guiding and the two programs can be linked.  There is a good astronomy shed video tutorial (it's also on Youtube) on how to use it.

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I started with a DSLR and used BYEOS which will not work with CCDs. When I got my 460 I found that the cost of APT as a driving factor. Its UI was similar to BYEOS which sped the learning curve . It can control my SX FW, dithers, plates solves, controls the mount with a library of targets , has an autofocus routine, baht mask focus tool, flats tool, bunch more too.  It's a great value for the cost.  That said I now use SGP and I'm starting to get comfortable with it. There is a lot to learn with SGP but it seems to strive for complete automation. Some issues I had with SGP are due to my overzealous use of all the advanced features. 

As far as the camera, while I love my 460 for its clean images and the electronic shutter (makes taking short duration flats easy.) I do think if I had done it again I would of gotten the 383 and it larger FOV.  But if course your requirements may be different than mine. I will say that the Atik has worked flawlessly for the past 18 months, doubt you'd go wrong with anything from that company. Plus it's red. 

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Just as an aside to your predicament - I used an Atik for a while and also I tried a friends SX for a while. I have to say that while I had issues with the Atik and cooling (out here in Spain and it being a cylindrical design it just didn't cut it out here in the summer) it was a good camera. The SX on the other hand I found to be terribly flaky in the software and a total pain to use.

Hands down if I had to pick between the two, it would be Atik over SX for sure because of the ease of use.

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