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Lunt first light


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At last sunshine. 

It was a little hazy but still managed to burn my arm! Covered my head with home made sun protector and got so enthralled with the views that I forgot my arms - hmmm silly. 

The views are amazing!!! ☀️ I have had the Lunt zoom and am impressed then spent some time with the binoviewer - needed to play with the focusser positioning to get focus. Big difference to ease of viewing with binoviewer. 

A lot of time was just spent appreciating the differences in views when adjusting the pressure tuner. The level of detail left me stunned and I'll be out later to see what the evening sun brings. 

Imaging will come later when I've learnt how to get the most of the scope. 

Very easy using on the skytee 2 and I will try on tracking mount as well to avoid the need to keep adjusting.

Looks like a clear night ahead too so bonus!!

Very happy with my decision. Roll on sunny days. 





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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, jabeoo1 said:

How are you getting on with your new toy Tony ?  Not that I am jealous or anything just curious :)

Well Sunday 5th June was superb. I had a really good session gaining familiarity during the afternoon and later in the evening when the sun popped back out from behind my house. 

I get a decent view from approx NNE to SSW and then gaps between houses depending on elevation of targets. 

Sadly I haven't seen decent weather in Bedfordshire since then☔️?? - even when it has been dry the sun has hidden from me⛅️! 

I'm tempted to take scope to the office and set up there as it seems to be the only time I see any sun ☀️?

On a positive note though the Lunt Zoom EP performed well I thought. 

AND I had a great night ?? on the 5th with the Evo 9.25 until 2am. I had my starsense hooked up and did a tour of a beautifully clear sky. 

Fingers crossed for some time this weekend. 

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19 minutes ago, bunnygod1 said:

Lovely new scope, hopefully the weather is going to improve sometime this summer. The 5th was my last night as well, only two sessions this month so far with the Lunt.

I hope it improves soon - I've lived here for 13 years and tbh the last 2/3 years have been rubbish with all seasons seeming to blur into a constant grey grimness.  

I really want to try some imaging and am hopeful we may get a few hours this weekend according to the forecast - fingers crossed.

As an aside and non Astro/solar related - Noticed your profile lists history of wwII... Ever listened to Ray Harris jnr podcast - history of WWII - very good podcast series - especially great for car journeys, dog walking and train journeys (after his first few episodes he starts to relax) and worthy of a listen if you enjoy the subject. 

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