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Huge and blurry image using a webcam with primal focus

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I'm an absolute beginner in webcam astrophotography. Based on various guides found on the net, I removed the optics from my old Creative LifeCam webcam, leaving the CMOS sensor only. With a self-made 1,25" adapter I attached the cam to the scope, aiming at the moon to take a few shots of my favourite crater, Plato. Contrary to what I've read about the primal focus technique (no eyepiece, webcam attached only) where the resulting image should be low magnification, I found out that the image I got was absolutely huge (as if the magnification was 150x or more) and very blurry. Using AutoStakkert2 I managed to stack a somewhat acceptable image but it's still very blurry. I'm using a Celestron Astromaster 114/1000 Newton and was using Creative's own software @ 640x480, 15 fps. What could be the cause of the problem?

Sorry for my horrible English, I'm from Hungary.

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Hello and welcome to SGL. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the image. The image field of view looks to be about right for a modified webcam and a 1000mm focal length telescope.  Your understanding of prime focus imaging is incorrect, the webcam's field of of view would be equivalent to viewing through an eyepiece of about 6mm focal length so quite a small field of view. You can confirm this yourself using this Field of View Calculator . The image might be a little off focus, but practice will improve this. plus further processing in Registax. I would also suggest that you try a dedicated astro imaging programme such as Sharpcap or Firecapture which might improve the capture.

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This is the pic I made today of the craters Lohrmann, Hevelius, and Cavalerius, also the ridge of Grimaldi. Do you think it's better now? Changes: used Registax 6, made with cooled down optics and Sharpcap.



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