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Yay - One of my Solar pictures on a book cover!!


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I've just had the news this evening that one of my Solar pictures  is to be on a book cover.    No, it's not a solar book or even an astronomy book, but the latest book of poems by my brother Cliff.   Though you probably haven't heard of him, Cliff is far more well known in the poetry and literature world than I will ever be in the astronomy world :icon_biggrin:.  The eagle-eyed amongst you may well have seen the picture before!  :happy7:  Just in case you are curious, here's a link to my brother's blog where his book has just been announced.

https://cliffyates.wordpress.com/     Well worth a look, as I get a mention!




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Many thanks for your very kind words.  I have to admit I am rather proud, as much for my brother as myself, it's nice to make his latest book a family affair.  I've had other pics published over the years and used in a couple of books (natural history subjects as well as astronomy) but this has certainly given me the most pleasure - dead chuffed as they say  :icon_biggrin:.

Pete - I sometimes send my brother photos of various subjects and also articles or submissions to websites, including SGL.  In return my brother sends me articles or poems he has written.  Though we both have different interests, we like to see what the other is doing - and it's good to be outside your comfort zone sometimes.  I had sent this particular pic to Cliff some time age and he liked it and when the publishers were considering options for the cover my brother threw this pic into the pot as it were.  The publishers considered various options and finally decided on this one - with some encouragement from  Cliff I think!

Thanks again everyone.


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Well done Paul, I hope the royalties will be flowing in?

I had one of my pictures of sailing boats racing on a reservoir published in a book a few years ago. The book was about UK reservoirs and water usage.  I didn't receive a penny but it was still nice to see it.  Although like you I had inside help, the chap who wrote a section of the book and designed the reservoir the photo was taken on was the skipper of the boat I crewed on.


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