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20/12 - Montes Riphaeus - The lunar dinosaur?


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Ok...bit of an odd one here...so whilst looking for targets the other night, I stumbled across this object. Now I had got the camera rotated on this one, so it just jumped out at me....hey that looks like the silhouette of a dinosaur (I thought). Now Im not sure this is actually in the lunar 100 (as we have things like the Lunar X and Lunar V...so how about the lunar dino. ;-) Ayway another feature on show in this image is actually very small (and towards the top left centre of the image). It s the Volcanic shield dome  (Darney C3). It s roughly 7.5 miles square, but shows as  slight 'lump' in the surface.  All these images were the last ones taken with my Edge800HD and AVX combo...which is now on its way to its new home. As always, thanks for looking!


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Thanks Jules....well the plan....is an Edge1100 HD with a CGEMDX.....though I was going to wait and see if there are any deals after xmas, as I have had to save for quite a while. Xmas might eat into the money as well.

I sold my Edge to a friend (with all of its bits and bobs), so it kind of did us both a favour, as he was after one. SO he got mine with all my fittings (moonlite, dew shield, focus mask, T adapter) etc, and I got some space in the garage to put a new one ;-) though might need a bigger space, and might also have to revise the power lines in the battery box (as the CGEM draw a bit more juice).

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Excellent image i can certainly see what you mean about dinosaur. It would be nice to revisit the Volcanic shield dome again and see it more central to the image. As others have said the views of the moon are ever changing due to the phases and it is surprising how features change in appearance from night to night.

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