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Oops I had a little accident last night my telescope fell over and smashed my finder scope off oh well looks like I will be on the look out for a telrad scope oh well on the bright side think scope is ok just a word of warning when out at night keep your whits about you

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Sorry to hear about that.

The Telrad is going to be very large on the tube of your Zennox 76 - the Rigel Quikfinder does pretty much the same thing and it's "footprint" on the scope is a lot smaller:


You might even be able to get a straight replacement for very few £'s from the Astroboot:


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My new right angle Finderscope fell off my 10 inch dob the other night (the screw doesn't seem to hold it firmly in place as the one that came with the scope did).

I knocked it with my arm when lifting the scope off the base as I always carry it in 2 parts (too awkward as 1).

Luckily the Finderscope didn't fall from a great height and landed on grass and leaves.

It also had a homemade dew shield on the main lens end, so that cushioned the blow.

Have secured it with tape now!

I try to be an careful as possible (considering how dark it normally is) but accidents happen.

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I had a Telrad fall off a scope a couple of years back. It hit two other scopes on the way down, chipping the paint on one and putting a small dent in the other :embarrassed:

The Telrad was unmarked and undamaged - they are tougher than they look !

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Yeh it only takes a moments inattention to cause a disaster.

I sleepily opened my dovetail release instead of the Dec clutch once, glad I managed to catch the scope!


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I had a Telrad fall off a scope a couple of years back. It hit two other scopes on the way down, chipping the paint on one and putting a small dent in the other :embarrassed:

The Telrad was unmarked and undamaged - they are tougher than they look !

I know Telrads are pretty husky but blimey.

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Well if the scope fell over clearly the tripod is also defective! :laugh: I think this makes quite a good excuse to invest in a nice new dob. :p


I dropped my favourite EP (32mm GSO) and the lens was cracked. It was quickly replaced with a 30mm Vixen NPL (much better EP). Dobs are great because they have a low centre of gravity..........so they tend not to fall over.

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Had another accident........but not a major one. I was out a couple of nights ago looking at the moon and decided to attach the adjustable polarising filter (as very bright). Undid a grub screw too much and it fell off and landed amongst the leaves and grass.

Will have a search for it today, but might need a metal detector. Another new hobby perhaps

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Wall stud or cable detectors can be pressed into service for that in times of need, or just a nice strong magnet. The magnets out of old hard drives are ridiculously strong for their size and can work well for gathering up screws.


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Wall stud or cable detectors can be pressed into service for that in times of need, or just a nice strong magnet. The magnets out of old hard drives are ridiculously strong for their size and can work well for gathering up screws.


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Good idea. I had a quick rummage around and found it. Much easier in the daylight.

Still considering the metal detector though as I might find a Norfolk hoard. Astronomy is an expensive hobby, so got to find the money from somewhere.

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