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So glad I woke up...

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After getting my 150p from Astroboot and building a base, I haven't seen a clear night in over a week! Last night, I checked the clear outside app and realised my best chance to see Jupiter with the new scope was around 3.30am.

I got outside around 2.30 to patchy clouds so while everything cooled down and my eyes adjusted I just hopped around the sky trying out my newly acquired 10mm and 6mm BCO's.

Around 3.15 the clouds moved away over towards the east and there it was, Jupiter as these 49yo eyes have never seen her; bright with a couple of bands visible and Callisto, Io, Europa and Ganymede there too.

I spent the best part of an hour looking at these beauties move across my FOV awaiting the moon, Mars and Venus but alas the clouds returned.

I'll never forget that moment though that I saw Jupiters bands come into focus as my eyes adjusted - it actually made me laugh out loud with joy.

Can't wait for my next stint! M31 awaits!!!

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Excellent stuff. It's been good seeing how you've got the new scope ready, and great to hear that you've got a chance to use it. I'm envious. Haven't seen anything but cloud here since last Saturday! Wishing you many happy sessions to come with the new toy.

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Glad the scope is working well Daz, you've done a great job on it.

Your determination far exceeded mine, no chance of dragging myself out of bed last night, I'll have to wait until Jupiter puts in an appearance a bit earlier. I blame an 18 month old little girl who doesn't get when to be asleep!! [emoji3]

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Nice one Daz :laugh:

Jupiter sure is a beauty and gives us all something special view. I too had a good night, it was also very unexpected as the forecast shows cloudy condition fro the next seven days. it was also very warm for November  :shocked:  The clouds rolled in earlier for me though and I ended up finishing around 11 pm. I spent most of the time experimenting with my eyepieces whilst splitting doubles and star hopping.

Most enjoyable :laugh:  

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I got to use my new 120mm f5 refractor last night whilst the sky was clear between 9pm and 1:30am when hazy clouds started to roll in. Had some great views of M31, and got M81 & M82 easily in Ursa Major. Spent nearly an hours or so just looking at these. Also bagged M57 to, and was able to make out when the sky was stable the centre part of the ring, with nice contrast from my new UHC filter. Had an hour break and then went back out to view M42 in Orion which was absolutely stunning, the best I'd ever viewed it.

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Very nicely reported, Jupiter is certainly one of the stand out objects to view in the solar system.

It is worth making a note of the positions of the moons when you observe them as they change position quite quickly. It is is one of the few times you can see before your eyes in real time how active the solar system is as they rotate around the planet.

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