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Moon for a change.


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And there was me thinking the solar system was beneath your notice Olly. ;)

I'd say the sharpness and contrast were spot on. Did you do anything special at the terminator? That's where I tend to have trouble as the wavelet sharpening can produce artifacts there.

Nothing very complicated. I did a wavelet job but also kept the original. I pasted the waveletted (? :grin:? ) one on top and used a partial or full eraser here and there to take off the artefacts. I then did some unsharp masking in Ps, again to a bottom layer, so that excesses could be taken off with the eraser. I really am a bit of an eraser head :p  in all forms of processing...

I must admit that I enjoyed this and am tempted to have a pop at a higher res gibbous moon some time using the TEC 140 with more FL. We did do some in the SCT at 2.5 metres but the seeing was against us.

Is there no limit to your skills Olly?  :D

Looks good!! 

Erm, if I were to sing for you, you'd know the answer to that question, Sara. Or I could try to operate a DVD player, sew on a button, iron a shirt or danse. Whether or not I would be able to tidy my office is unclear because I've never tried...


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Erm, if I were to sing for you, you'd know the answer to that question, Sara. Or I could try to operate a DVD player, sew on a button, iron a shirt or danse. Whether or not I would be able to tidy my office is unclear because I've never tried...

Perhaps if you could leave the singing and dancing out that would be good!!! Ironing and sewing on buttons? .................... My husband would say that's what he got married for, I of course know that you would not be so foolish :D :d 

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That's a good single sub. Taking lots, selecting the best and combining them will give a better starting point. However, even the single sub would respond to some image processing techniques to enhance local contrasts and sharpen the parts with stronger signal. So far as that one sub goes I think you got it pretty well right. An excellent start.


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