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The Running Chicken Nebula


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A new target for me - the Running Chicken Nebula sits about halfway between the Southern Cross and the Eta Carina Nebula.

Running Chicken Nebula

IC2948 Running Chicken Nebula in Centaurus ( bright star is Lambda Cenauri)

(RA 11h 39.6m - Dec -63deg 37.2').

Skywatcher Quattro 10" f4 Newtonian.

Skywatcher AZ Eq6 GT (on Pier)

Orion auto guider - PHD2 (RA only - Dec ungiuded).

Baader MPCC Mark 3 Coma Corrector, UHC-S (Nebula) filter,

Nikon D5300 (unmodified), Long Exp Noise Reduction on, 14bit NEF,

13 x 300 sec ISO 200.

PixInsight & Photoshop

28 March 15

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Very nice.

It's not something I've heard of before and at 52 North will never see. There is some lovely contrasty details in the top section.

I really like that, thanks for posting :)


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Thanks guys muh appreciated.

I'm on the outskirts of greater Sydney and not far from the township of Katoomba so I am only in semi-dark skies Jimbo but we do have pretty clean skies with very little dust or other particle matter so we are lucky.



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