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Sven Buttler

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Hello there, just stopping by to say hello. I've always been fascinated by the universe but it's been a theoretical exercise for the most part for me so far so I'm looking forward to getting more "hands on". For me astronomy is closely linked to philosophy which makes it all the more interesting. For the moment I'm resisting the urge to go and buy a telescope, instead I got myself a pair of Canon IS 15x50 binos to get me started. Unfortunately I'm living in one of the densest places in western Germany with lots of light pollution but on clear nights it's fun nonetheless. I downloaded a couple of astronomy apps for my IPad and also ordered a copy of Turn left at Orion. Can't wait for the sky to clear up :)

Best regards,


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Hi Scen and welcome to the forum. Good idea to make your first astro purchase a pair of binoculars. Nice wide views, quick and intuitive to use and of course there are many objects from which binos make the best platform to view them by e.g the milkyway. You might want to look at this site for some ideas on how to mount your 'binos' and also on what to see each month with the enclosed viewing list. Binos are certainly something that you will always use even when at some point you decide to get a scope. As they say there is no rush as the stars aren't going anywhere.

Clear skies for now and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Thanks, everybody. Actually I did order a very cheap tripod (AmazonBasics) just to get a feel for it and it does indeed help a lot even tho it's fairly shoddy build quality.

I couldn't sleep tonight so I just got up and wow I was able to clearly see Jupiter plus it's four moons just with the binos and tripod, what an incredible experience.

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Hi Sven welcome to S G L

My first view of Jupiter and the Jovian moons was also through bins,

gives you an incredible feeling, try the Orion nebula you will be amazed,

keep enjoying your bins and I hope the weather improves so you can

get out more.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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