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Waiting for clear skies with my new skywatcher. First time astronomer.

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Hi and welcome to SGL :)

If you fancy imaging the planets and the Moon then I would say yes. However, some telescopes are better for planetary imaging than others, so if you can let us know what you have we may be able to advice you better :)

It might be better to get used to your new scope for visual first before jumping into imaging though, theres no rush :)

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Hello and welcome to SGL Clear skies are something that you don't get with a new telescope it's not all bad though because while your waiting to observe you have time to get to know your new scope. It also allows you to post questions on the forum and you can get lots of info quickly. So when the clear skies do come your raring to go and hopefully you'll be amazed at what you can see. Good luck with your new scope. Hope you don't wait too long to use it.

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Hello and welcome to the forum :)

I agree with Starfox. Then again it depends on your level of experience and taste. Webcam are good for moon and planetary. They are quite cheap but it's the laptop part that can be an issue if you are on a tight budget.

Can you tell us more about your setup ? What you wish to achieve ?

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