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We need your help - top ten gadgets / gizmo's / items


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In no particular order

1.) Head band torch so that you can fiddle with the scope or camera with both hands whilst being able to see.

2.) Autoguiding interface has given a tenfold increase in exposure time.

3.) Right angled view finder for Canon DSLR which made focusing so much easier (not the rip of Canon one).

4.) Rear of the lens Clip filter for the Canon 400D will open up so many targets that I wouldn't have been able to take before.

5.) Cable release for Canon for longer exposure.

6.) Laser pen for both centering target on camera and for pointing out stuff to the wife and family.

7.) Mains and network connection on pier. Saves time not having to reel out and reel in and much safer.

8.) Pedestal on wheels containing laptop and all the wiring for my remote control/imaging set up. So much better being in the warm.

9.) Deputy dog hat for when I am outside.

10.) Salopettes when its really cold

and many more...............



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2) Green Laser Pointer. I bought a 100mw pointer again from ebay. It is ideal for showing others what you are looking at, and where it is in the sky. Also has a daytime benefit of driving the neighbours cats mad by shining it on the floor and getting them to chase it.

TJ, it'd be a mistake to take that or any other green laser to a star-party. You might even be asked to leave.

This from the HPA:

Class 3R lasers are higher powered devices than Class 1 and Class 2 and may have a maximum output power of 5 mW or 5 times the Accessible Emission Limit (AEL) for a Class 1 product. The laser beams from these products exceed the maximum permissible exposure for accidental viewing and can potentially cause eye injuries.

Full document here: http://tinyurl.com/2qx4k3

I own and use a 5mw laser myself and it is great for pointing out objects in the sky but I use it with caution and am careful to keep it away from the kids.

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Clothes peg to hold down the button on my laser pointer when aligning my 4SE.

And the laser pointer was a brilliant improvement on the horrible red dot fiddler.

And the wife´s hair dryer which keeps the laser warm and working on cold nights.

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1. Petzl e+LITE - The most practical headtorch I've ever owned, reassuringly expensive, very small and efficient.



These next two break the "rules" stated in the OP, as they weren't purchased (but I can make more and flog 'em to you if you want :afro:)...

2. Home-made handle for the OTA - makes carrying and handling a doddle:


3. Home-made square red plastic washer for the counterweight safety-screw. Makes the screw easier to find and prevents it rolling around when dropped:


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Best item I have is an all in one waterproof and padded suit. My hands and feet may get cold but the rest of me stays warm.

As for wish list; I need an effective, humane and most importantly idiot proof way of keeping my cats from "helping" me observe. The above suit has dangley bits hanging from it which my pair of furry Patrick Moore's find irresistible.

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1. Energizer red and white head torch - £8.

2. Maplins power pack - £20

3. fingerless gloves - £3 (in Next, sized for 8-11 year olds - fitted me fine :?)

4. 12v hairdryer - £10

5. film canister for collimating - free

6. cardboard hartmann - free

7. Lidl ironing stool - £15

8. TLAO - £20 (new from Waterstones)

9. cotton buds - £p-nuts

10. and last but not least, who could forget those wonderful cases with plucked foam from Maplins on offer for just £15?!?


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Another vote for "Wixey" - Or other Digital (analogue) Level.

Medium Adjustable spanner (Or other common size spanners)

Set of HEX keys - E.G. On DIY-shop "key ring thing"...

Spare "2032" Li Batteries (or whatever else you might use)

Magnetic Compass (To get a basic clue...) :afro:

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3. fingerless gloves - £3 (in Next, sized for 8-11 year olds - fitted me fine :?)

actually these are those ones with flaps, to keep your fingertips warm when you don't need them - absolute lifesaving! I think they're particularly popular amongst females at the moment, but nobody will know in the dark!

excellent list Andrew.

Cotton wool buds? what do you use them for?

Thanks Ant. I have to admit that I use cotton buds for cleaning optics. Most of the cleaning guides I've read mention them (Q-tips actually, being of American origin) to be very handy for cleaning. I'm very careful and gentle with them and so far have had great results. They say 100% pure cotton.

Actually, the Wixey would be the next item I would mention, but as I don't work in Alt/Az, for me it was only of benefit for levelling the tripod/pedestal.



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My brother has a set of fishing gloves where the ends are attached and sort of fold back. He says that they are lovely and warm.

I think another fav of mine is the remote release for camera's.

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