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Hello from PR


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Hello All,

My name is Miguel and I live in Puerto Rico.

I have joined this forum because it is very active and from what I have so far read I can tell that the members are friendly and helpful.

I am kind of new to the "Astro Scene" and I know I will learn a lot on this forum.

I have an Astro-Tech 65EDQ and a few other odds and ends but I will soon start slowly purchasing everything I need for astrophotography, today I ordered a Dew Buster.

Looking forward to conversing with all of you,


Here is the first Astro Image that I ever took.


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Hi Miguel,

Welcome to SGL. Your right they are a friendly and helpful bunch here. That's a good image for your first one. I am guessing things are a bit warmer down with you than it is here, getting pretty nippy out, but at least for the moment it is giving us clear skies :grin:


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Hey Uplooker,

I'm sure that things are a bit warmer here but the skies are not too clear right about now, I expect that to change sometime soon.

Thanks for the comment on my first astro image. I took it with a QHY5L-II guide camera on my AT65EDQ, all sitting on an old wooden camera tripod. I had fun taking it and really surprised myself at how it turned out. Great fun it was staying up to late at night working on my only masterpiece!  :laugh:

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Hi Miguel and welcome to the forum. Well if that's your first image then you clearly on your way to better things. Imaging is very popular on this forum so you're definitely in good company for sure so don't be slow in asking questions!  :smiley:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Well thanks again for all the warm welcomes and nice comments about my first (and only so far) moon image. It is certainly nice to be here, I have never been on a forum where the folks are so kind. I like it.   :smiley:

michigander, I am a baseball fan. I was born in New England and lived there until I was 28y/o, I am a die hard Red Sox fan. What about you?


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