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Hi Everyone.

Just signed up as I'm thinking of getting a telescope and these forums seem to be quite friendly and very helpful.

Am considering an EQ5 mount with Synscan / Goto capability, along with a 130 or 150PDS so that I can do some visual and some AP without the kit being so heavy it never leaves home.  But that'll be the subject of my next post!

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Forgot to add any info about myself!

I live in Guildford (Surrey, England) and so far have only used telescopes at beaches, so a complete noob. But one of my other hobbies is photography, so I understand about chromatic aberration, focal lengths, lens speeds etc etc.  I did take a photo of saturn a couple of years ago with my Canon 30D using a 200m lens with 2x adapter IIRC. At least it was the right shape for Saturn anyway!

Am going to try some photography without telescope before taking the plunge on kit. I guess the EQ5 would be okay tracking something with just the DSLR strapped to it?  More research needed but perhaps I'd get that first.

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Hi & Welcome to SGL.  Good luck with the AP.  Hope to give it a go next year perhaps, but need new gear first. :huh:   If you copy your post to the Beginners section, more people tend to read that section rather than the Welcome section.

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Hi Yearofthegoat and welcome to SGL. If you want to try tracked camera photography and you can manage a bit of DIY look up "  Barn Door Tracker " projects, simple devises for photographing the night sky with a camera  :)

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