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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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Well nothing close to Dean's M31 (great first time shot BTW) but here was my first attempt of M42

Single 30sec shot at ISO1600 with an EOS450D in prime focus on a Celestron 8SE back in March 2013


And just for comparison here's a single 45sec shot at ISO800 with a 600D (Baader Astro Modified) in prime focus with 0.63 Reducer on an AVX mount with the 8SE OTA just 4 nights ago (28 October 2014)


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Seeing that M31 is such a popular first subject, from 21st Sept 14,


in which I struggled with the colour cast that my UHC filter gave everything and I could not process out, can I use my 3rd attempt - NGC 7000, with a lovely IDAS P2?  


5th Nov 2014 - I spit in the face of fireworks and a full moon   :tongue:

I need to understand star masks in PI and calm the stars down a little I think :huh:  Too much to learn!

WO ZS71 Nikon D5300 A.VX.  

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That's a really good image. Well done. can you give me some details of the equipment used & the total number of exposures.

There are 20 x 60 second exposures, with 5 x 60 second Darks. ISO 3200

Still not sure what the others are, bias, lights etc. or how to do them.

Cannon 700D, ED80, EQ5 Pro. stacked in DSS & Processed in Pixinsight

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got into imaging the skies. Using a DLSR and a StarLapse rig I recently put together. This is the first shot with the set-up.


Last night I was able to get a couple more.


North American Nebula


Horsead Region.

All single images having problems getting DSS to work for me. But making progress. I shot a lot of subs last night so I have plenty to practice with now. The North American nebula shot is a 7 minute unguided shot with no drift align. Equipment is working pretty well just have to learn to process these things.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Here are my first two proper attempts at M31 and M42, unfortunately time was short and the moon was spectacular, but bright as hell!

I suspect I might be a smidge out with the focus, it's not terribly precise on the ST80!

Pleased with the results though! :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing that M31 is such a popular first subject, from 21st Sept 14,


in which I struggled with the colour cast that my UHC filter gave everything and I could not process out, can I use my 3rd attempt - NGC 7000, with a lovely IDAS P2?  


5th Nov 2014 - I spit in the face of fireworks and a full moon   :tongue:

I need to understand star masks in PI and calm the stars down a little I think :huh:  Too much to learn!

WO ZS71 Nikon D5300 A.VX.  

Jeez they are nice... I hate reading these threads, as I can feel my wallet getting lighter very very soon!

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Okay, this isn't my "first of" ... it's my third, and the first that is not M42.


This is NGC 869, one of the two clusters in the Perseus Double Cluster. From 30 0.8 second exposures, 2x2 binned and 30 darks: no flats, somewhat obviously from the vignetting. Scope is an unguided, completely manual 6" reflector, hence the very short exposures and small size. Camera is Orion G3 monochrome, stacked and (mostly) processed with Nebulosity.

I know what I need to do next: motors on the mount for basic tracking, learn how to drift align, and work on focus. Oh, and get some flats. Still, as crude as this and my others are, I'm happy to have them, as they are at least fairly representative of what I can see with my own eye. Have had a lot of fun learning to get this far.

-- Joel.

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What a fab thread...

Here's mine, luckily I got my DSLR for Christmas 2006, so my first target was one of the easiest to get results... namely M42... It's a composite of 3 jpg images 3 mins, 2 mins and 1 min as I had no clue what I was doing. (I lost my original single shots). When the first exposure of this nebula showed up on my LCD screen I was blown sideways, will never forget that moment.


Notice the fabulous natural colouring of the razer sharp pinpointy stars :rolleyes::laugh:

I've seen worse looking stars.......just look at some of mine!

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i have my GEM now for 3 month. In this time i tried to do as much AP as possible (which still only accumulates to 25h of total exposure time as the weather apparantely hates me....) . I had a little bit of knowledge from my stationary (Astro-)photography. 

My very first target was M45, as it also is one of the brightest targets. 

Equiqment used: Nikon D800, Skywatcher EQ6, GSO 8" F5 Newton telescope, Orion Starshoot Autoguider.

25 x 147s frames @ ISO 1600.


In retrospect i really sould have taken flat frames. Other than that i think the image is fairly nice, stll the exposure could be deeper.
Clear skies to all of you!
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Some of these are amazing for a first go. Im planning on attempting my first DSO tpnight if my daughter ever gets to sleep. Was gonna shoot orion but I reckon the clouds have rolled in or wife will start nagging for me to go to sleep!

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Here is my first attempt at a dso (M42) taken last night.

A real WOW! moment when I saw this appear on the camera LCD, wasn't expecting to see any colour or that it would be that large.

Plenty of room for improvement though.

Single shot, cropped, Canon 600d on a C8N, 20secs at ISO 3200


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Here is my very first DSO, and 3rd ever image.

5 minutes worth of 10s exposures. Some fiddling in photoshop but I don't really know what I'm doing.

Celestron 127 MAK on standard alt az mount

£10 0.5x focal reducer

£5 PS3 eye camera, very badly focused


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After some bumps in the road, here is my first ever image of a DSS the M31.

attachicon.gifM31 Andromeda.jpg

is this some sort of in joke or is that actually your first image? because to me that looks beyond incredible even if someone said they had years of experience. 

madness! i didn't even think it was possible to get images like that from Earth

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