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Arduino Ascom focuser Mark2


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When you say it contains basic ascom fuctionality, I presume it's not as refined as the Mark 2 code. I hate to to think I modded something that already did what I wanted.

I have basically taken the manual bits and added them into the Mark 2 sketch and it works! Well pleased. It's not pretty I'm sure but it works.

So eventually, I hope to have a permanently fixed electric focus controller which I can use manually with a control box that I plug in and also with ascom when I need to.

Thanks again.

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When you say it contains basic ascom fuctionality, I presume it's not as refined as the Mark 2 code. I hate to to think I modded something that already did what I wanted.

I have basically taken the manual bits and added them into the Mark 2 sketch and it works! Well pleased. It's not pretty I'm sure but it works.

So eventually, I hope to have a permanently fixed electric focus controller which I can use manually with a control box that I plug in and also with ascom when I need to.

Thanks again.

The Mark 1 sketch only had some very basic commands I put in when I was first toying with the idea of an Ascom driver. I never wrote an actual driver at this stage, I just added the code to test sending commands via the usb connection. It only responded to an 'A' or 'C' to move the motor Anticlockwise or Clockwise. It also only responded when the switch was in the centre position and the motor was not moving. The Mark2 sketch is much more sophisticated and works with the Mark 2 Ascom driver.

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Hi All,

Here is my AAF2 focuser. Thanks for the code, everything works fine.

150/750 SW, EQ5 GT-Pro

And a short video of operate:

and cooperate with APT:



A very professional build. Well done. I'm glad so many people are getting the benefit of my humble efforts. Now I have my 3D printer working I am planning to create a custom case for the Celestron 127 ota. This will replace my cork mat effort you see at the start of the topic.

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Hi does the  temperature compensating work in  any software or is it just showing a read out of the temperature?

The focuser just returns the current temperature to the Ascom driver when queried by the driver. The driver makes it available to the client software. It is up to the client software to carry out the compensation, if it is capable. HTH :grin:

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Hi Dave, got the focuser working fine on Win XX  but am thinking of adding it to my Mac imaging project.

Is the code interchangeable or does it need altering for the Mac ?



I think the issue you have is that Mac doesn't support the Ascom platform (as far as I know) so you wont be able to use the AAF2 driver. If there is a similar platform that works on Macs you will need to write a driver or find someone who will. As long as it uses the comms protocol the nano is expecting it should work.

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I think the issue you have is that Mac doesn't support the Ascom platform (as far as I know) so you wont be able to use the AAF2 driver. If there is a similar platform that works on Macs you will need to write a driver or find someone who will. As long as it uses the comms protocol the nano is expecting it should work.

Thanks for reply Dave, may be able to find some Linux thing.


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I am having trouble with the focuser.

It suddenly stopped working and I have swapped the arduino and the motor board and all the wires but to no avail.

No flashing leds etcetera.

Can anyone shed some light as to what may be wrong.

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