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I wouldn't mind a bit of summer first.

Maybe the Lesser Spotted Cotterless should become a migratory creature? Fly south young man! :)

My neighbours have just spent 8 weeks in Australia and have come back with stories of desert observing under stable skies at really silly magnifications.


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Yes Nick with mid wales in mind .... I costna wait!

Umm, I may be a foreiner new to s-o-t, but doesn't costna mean can you? As in costna kick a ball :D.

Then again, I canna understand this potter talk ;)

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So there I was; new scope, good enough camera and very much like Nick who started this thread, I was beginning to look forward to the nights getting longer.  It was at this point my father-in-law got in touch and said he was sending me some shade 10 welding glass.  Now I know that this isn't safe for using as a solar filter for you to look through, but it's perfectly adequate for use with my camera to experiment with.

Now my dilemma is do I continue to look forward to longer nights and more star watching, or revel in the opportunity to moan about the reduced openings for solar photography?

Yup - I shall bemoan the shortening of the days until midwinter when I shall change my mind on a whim, just because I can!!

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