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Mars at last - 18-04-14


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Well I finally managed an image of Mars that is at least presentable!

I know it's small, but there is surface detail visible and that's a first for me.

Been waiting years to get this under way, so I'm chuffed.

I couldn't get focus with a barlow, hence the size, but I know from past experience this is a difficult thing to do.



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Well done.  Getting focus with the barlow is something that comes with practice, though you could start perhaps by focusing on a nearby star using a Bahtinov mask.  You might even find that you can focus on Mars itself that way.  People say it works for Jupiter, so why not Mars?


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Thanks Gents!

Much appreciated.

I have imaged both Jupiter & Saturn (years ago) with various scopes and it was always down to focus.

To be fair, what I need to do is get the set-up out in the flat Fens of South Lincs during the daytime and find the focal point of the barlow compared to without.

That at least is a head start at night!

I also have a Bhatinov mask - absolutely love it for sharpening up visual. That with the feathertouch focuser on my 6SE makes life a doddle.

It's just the cloud gun I need now!


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I think the quality of that image could stand an image enlargement. If you process in R6 you can always apply drizzling to the stacking process to end up with a larger image. It's at the top in R6 when you get to stack. I gave it a 250% resize and it looks good I reckon.



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Thanks guys -

Peter - I just did something similar in CS3 after using 3 Avis joined in PIPP and it came out quite well. I will post it when I'm back at my computer. I had no idea that Registax now has that capacity, thanks for pointing it out. I'll give it a try too. It's years since I last used it (Registax 2 I think it was).


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Thanks guys -

Peter - I just did something similar in CS3 after using 3 Avis joined in PIPP and it came out quite well. I will post it when I'm back at my computer. I had no idea that Registax now has that capacity, thanks for pointing it out. I'll give it a try too. It's years since I last used it (Registax 2 I think it was).


Actually I used Paintshop because R6 would only go to 200%. You can still use drizzle in R6 to give an enlarged image.


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