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My first attempt at anything (Jupiter)

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Was out last night and got to play with my new toy (an iNova PLB-Mx camera) for the first time.  Jupiter came out from behind the clouds, so that was my target.  Took quite a few videos, varying from 10 seconds to 45 seconds and attached is my best attempt at stacking / messing about with the image using Registax.  It isn't up to Hubble's standards, but I am quite pleased with it :).  I can quite easily see how people can get carried away with this imaging / post processing stuff, as I am dying to get back out there and get some more shots, with probably longer runs and playing about with the gain / exposure time settings, not to mention improving my focusing technique :rolleyes:.  I was not brave enough to put a Barlow on, or try out the filter wheel.  Think I have got to learn to walk before I go for a run :D.  Just need those clouds to [removed word] off now........


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