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Tut, tut, tut, oh dear...... :(


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You see, there's this thing called a cooler on a CCD!!!!! Shame I did not turn it on until I realised after doing three hours of Ha capture last night. Oh well, this can be my "play" Ha set, never done Ha before.

Dear me......

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It seems opportunities for imaging have been so rare of late that I'm considering writing myself checklists so I don't forget things when I do eventually get out.  Last night I had more than one "Oh, I forgot to do X" moment, to the point where I started setting everything up from scratch again.  And then it went really cloudy :(


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It seems opportunities for imaging have been so rare of late that I'm considering writing myself checklists so I don't forget things....


Tell me about it.  So rare we get chance to set up.  I went nine weeks nearly without setting up once and one gets rusty with the procedure.  A check list is a great idea.  But blokes don"t "do" lists and documentation/instructions do we!

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Tell me about it.  So rare we get chance to set up.  I went nine weeks nearly without setting up once and one gets rusty with the procedure.  A check list is a great idea.  But blokes don"t "do" lists and documentation/instructions do we!

I have a memory like, ermm, one of those things with lots of holes in.  I write lists :)


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 But blokes don"t "do" lists and documentation/instructions do we!

Don't worry we won't tell anyone. :smile:

Things are not too bad now I have the observatory but back in the old days when I had to take everything outside and put it all together, a list was essential otherwise I was bound to forget something in between the long gaps between clear nights.  Even with the observatory I have a heavily annotated list to hand just to be on the safe side.

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