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Venus and moon


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Woke up at 5:30am and went outside for my first smoke of the day and wow! what a gorgeous view - the moon and venus in close pass with mars and saturn a little over to the southwest. Very beautiful view indeed - and yes a terrific photo opportunity. :)

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Had a clear night so was out till 1am. Bleary eyed this morning but putting out the rubbish I spotted this beautiful sight. Drove off to work and rang the house to tell my wife and kids to go out for a look. Lovely. As someone said good start to the day


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I saw it as I walked to the car this morning. I was tempted to go back inside an get the camera, but I did not have the time (the only reason I get up so early is to get through the M42 before it grinds to a halt at 7:20 )

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I saw it as I walked to the car this morning. I was tempted to go back inside an get the camera, but I did not have the time (the only reason I get up so early is to get through the M42 before it grinds to a halt at 7:20 )

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

Sorry, when I saw this in an astro forum I wondered why the Orion Nebula would grind to a halt :embarassed:

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Wow. Venus and the moon really close this morning.

I saw that this morning, it really was a beautiful sight.

The guy who was fifty or so yards in front of me obviously thought the same, he stopped and got his phone out to take a sneaky pic.

I thought about doing the same but, he would probably have thought it a bit weird, some guy stopping next to him and copying what he was doing at 5.45 in the middle of a dark industrial estate with no one else around!


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