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Another New Guy


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Hey guys and girls.

I have been lerking for the last couple of months as I was doing some researching into astrophotography and have now decided to join up and get advice and possibly start giving advice once I know more :)

By trade I'm in the IT industry but have been doing the odd bit of photography for the last couple of years as a hobby and have always wanted to learn more about what I am looking at in the sky and also see more, so last year I decided to start researching astrophotography and a couple of weeks ago brought my first telescope. Wanted to get a Skywatcher Explorer 200P but didn't have the space to store it. so went with a Celestron NexStar 4SE. Anyway last night I took my first photo through it with my Nikon D5200 and shall be posting a thread in the correct section but thought I would say hello first :)


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Hi and welcome to SGL - Good to see another imager join the fold. Can't be doing with this 'looking through the scope' malarkey! :grin:

If you are wanting to explore the DSO side to imaging you may struggle a little with the kit you have, but for solar system stuff it will work well.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Steven welcome to the lounge,

good luck with the A P, I'm an observer myself, so I know

nothing much about it, I do like looking at the images though,

looking forward to seeing yours.   Enjoy!

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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My images are too big for that sadly,

can't seem to get the alignment to work properly either, after aligning and then stacking it looks exactly the same as it did before, is that meant to happen?

What exactly are you stacking images of?


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What exactly are you stacking images of?


 The Moon

I was following this guide last night but when it came to aligning the image registax 6.1 kept crashing so after googling to find a solution I found people saying version 5 is better to use so I changed to that and now I pretty much have no idea what i'm doing as I can't seem to find a guide for that version. I'm not 10% sure how to get it to set align points


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Ah, right.  Should have realised it might be a lunar image...

I'm surprised v6 was crashing.  I've not had it do that for quite some time.  How many files are you stacking and what size are they?  On what spec. machine?


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Ah, right.  Should have realised it might be a lunar image...

I'm surprised v6 was crashing.  I've not had it do that for quite some time.  How many files are you stacking and what size are they?  On what spec. machine?


last night I was trying 175 images at 3500x3500

I just tried it again with 50 images and it still crashed

doubt it is my system

i7 3820,

EVGA X79 Dark,

32GB Kingston Hyper X Beast,

CM Seidon 240M,


be quiet! dark power Pro 1000W,

OCZ Solid 3 120GB RAID0,

ASUS, Xonar Phoebus Solo,

CM Storm Stryker,

Widnows 7 Pro x64bit

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last night I was trying 175 images at 3500x3500

I just tried it again with 50 images and it still crashed

doubt it is my system

i7 3820,

EVGA X79 Dark,

32GB Kingston Hyper X Beast,

CM Seidon 240M,


be quiet! dark power Pro 1000W,

OCZ Solid 3 120GB RAID0,

ASUS, Xonar Phoebus Solo,

CM Storm Stryker,

Widnows 7 Pro x64bit

Doesn't look like you should have a problem, no.  How many alignment points were you going for in Reg 6?

Could be worth scaling the images down a bit too, to see if that helps tie down the problem at all.


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