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colin david stammers

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Hello to All Members, Iam very new to this site and just getting my feet wet with my first telescope, I was given a Meade DS-90ec Refracting Telescope as a gift (NICE THANKYOU LES) But can anyone please tell me how to get better images through my scope as everything is very out of focus ive cleaned my lens, eye pieces, at the moment my telescope is pointing at the moon but I have a secondary image and even adjusting the focus controller nothing seems to change please can anyone help me please.

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Have a practice during the daytime. Yes everything will be upside down but try and choose a distant object and get it into focus using the various eye pieces supplied with the scope.

This will give a you a feel for focusing, then try at night with low power (the larger number of the ep's marked in mm) first.

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Hi Colin and welcome to the forum. When you set up your scope, you should then connect a 'diagonal' like this one and then into that goes a eyepiece like this. What you don't want to be putting in place at this stage is a 'barlow' lens which might look similar to this. You can tell the difference between an eyepiece and a barlow lens because the barlow will have a screw(s) at one end which helps secure an eyepiece to it. So in short we have the scope, diagonal and then an eyepiece. You are then ready to adjust the focuser so that the whole assembly moves toward the end of the scope and then you turn the focuser knob the other way and hopefully at some point an image should eventually come into focus, but you might need to extend it quite some way for that to happen. As suggested above it might be easier doing that during the day as it will be easier to select an object to focus upon but ensure that it is as far away as possible as all scopes have a minimum focusing distance. Come back to us to report on what has happened doe us to make further suggestions.


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Welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us, there are all manner of helpful folks on here as demonstrated above, who will take the time to help you out. Have you considered looking into whether you have a local astro society? That may be a good place to go and learn the basis with experienced folk on hand. I'm an imager, so can write what I know about actually looking through a telescope on the top of a match head!! :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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You don't mention but looking through a window/double glazing can play havoc with what you see, best to wrap up warm and go outside.

I would second this, even looking at the moon through a double glazed window without a telescope can give a secondary image on the glass.

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Hi mate and welcome. You don't say whether you wear spectacles at all. If you wear them for some activities but not others, try looking through your eyepiece with/without them.

If not, it's probably something else!!!

cheers, someone will sort you out soon


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Hi Colin, sound advice in the post above. being an Artist, I can't help you much, but love looking at the moon through a window...makes me wonder if it's the dark side of the moon reflecting back through some bend in time and space... anyway. enough twadle - enjoy SGL!

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