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Hi everyone, new member here.

My awesome wife surprised me with a Skywatcher Explorer 130p for my birthday.  It's my first scope and the views I've managed of Jupiter and M42 from my back garden  so far have been fantastic.  I managed to get the crescent of Venus for a few minutes last night too.  Now I need to find somewhere properly dark :grin:

Sooo much to learn, sooo much to see.

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Hi and welcome to the lounge,

you are right in saying, there is so much to learn and so much 

to see, but you will learn fast here in S G L, the seeing is up to

you and the weather.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Get yourself along to the Cleveland and Darlington Astronomical Society who meet every month at the Wynyard Woodland Planetarium. http://www.cadas-astro.org.uk/

Next meeting is on friday 10th Jan and is called "Your First Telescope" so may be of use to you. non members are welcome you just need to pay on the door (just £2 ) and annual membership is only £12 !


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