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Swap 6" Refractor with Celestron C8 XLT?


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A chance to swap my 6" achro - which I adore - with a Celestron C8 XLT.

I feel my refractor with its case is worth more - not sure though. As for performance, I'm worried I might miss out on some DSOs. I don't know though...never had a similar scope before.

I'm in two minds about that. Any advice will be more than welcome.


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A chance to swap my 6" achro - which I adore - with a Celestron C8 XLT.

I feel my refractor with its case is worth more than the C8. As for performance, I'm worried I might miss out on some DSOs. I don't know though...never had a similar scope before.

I'm in two minds about that. Any advice will be more than welcome.


C8 XLT OTA new is £775.

6" Achro (from TS) with case is €929, or £779.

Not much in it to be honest, seems like a fair swap to me :).

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The 6" achro will be better than the C8 for low power wide field work.

The C8 will be better than the 6" achro on the planets.

Spot on David  :smiley:

Different horses for different courses, in many ways.

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No brainer, the 8" SCT will beat the 6" achro on everything other than wide field. On paper, it will have nearly twice the light grasp, very important for DSOs of which only a few will not fit in the field of the SCT.

 I have a 6" F10 achro and a C8SE, if one had to go it would be the 6".  :smiley:

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I've heard very good things about those 6" individual scopes so I can understand your reluctance. The C8's strong points for me are its ability to put the planets right in yout face even with a 20mm EP and its remarkebly portable and light for an 8" scope, it even has a nice carry handle at the top back. Down sides for me are that it isn't the best for DSO's when compared to the equal aperture of the 200p dob and the corrector plate can readily dew up unless you have a heated dew shield, on pareticularly wet nights you need to turn the dew strap upto 11 :D

Its a tough call, its nice to have a change but it comes with the risk of regret.


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I have the AstroTelescopes version of this 152mm which came via Hands on Optics. Have to say the images it puts up are very good, yes there's colour on most things above Mag 4 but not a huge amount. 

I use a large aperture Bino and 24mm Pans for a 2º FOV which is pin point right to the edge, there is some field curvature but again not a lot and it is a very immersive view.

I have also been using a Baader 495 Longpass filter and it removes any residual CA and improves focus. More effective than the Semi-Apo with no loss of brightness.

For an F5.9 Achro, it is surprisingly good.

Of course the 925 wins on planets and binos on the Moon are stunning and it gets closer to most DSOs but for those big clusters and Milky Way scanning the 152 rocks.

I'm also more likely to use the 152mm as it's easier, that said my SCT is a CPC which is heavy and can be a chore, especially in the ice.

I'm finding I use the 152 more at home and the 925 does better at dark sites.....I feel it's compromised with LP.

I wouldn't like to have to choose between them as they both do different things very well.

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The C8 will be just the same as the C11 you used to have but with less light grasp and resolution.

With that in mind, I would ask yourself the question why the C11 had to go ?,I'd only dream of having that scope like a C11, though never used one it makes me dribble. What would the C8 bring now that the C11 did not bring before to add to the experience.  I'd be inclined to keep the frac for the wider views, you already go the Dob for DSOs and other various tat where aperture is needed. :smiley:  

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Yes indeed. Thinking of the C11 is a major turn off for me. I never got along with it...perhaps didn't give it enough of a chance, but it went for somebody who loves it right now. A loving home :)

I agree with most that has been said said above. While the C8 will have more light grasp and portability, it'll still fall behind in rich field and similar observation type. Plus I've got the 10" for DSOs which I'm happy with.

The TS individual is not an average achro. There's chromatic aberration ..yes, but it's minimal. And the performance on star clusters and certain bright objects is equal to an apo. The only plus point I find about the C8 is portability and was thinking it might be helpful if I go DSO hunting away from home. 2 different scopes for 2 different things...difficult to make a decision.

But yes, I'm sticking with frac.

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Was really a whim with the intention to help based on momentary household circumstance that turned out OK few hours ago. I'm glad I didn't have to let it go.

May I suggest waiting a day or so until listing equipment that you aren't 100% sure on selling? :)

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