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My new weapon!


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Well after much deliberating and general mincing about I took the plunge and bought myself the 180 Mak Pro.  Dew shield included!  Have thought long and hard and got plenty of advice from all at SGL (with much thanks).  Looked at the pro's and con's from top to bottom, left to right and inside out!  The pro's most definitely out way the con's.

The Mak then for vis and my guided ED80 Pro for AP.  All came together in the end.  The new weapon of choice arrives in a few days.

Thanks again to all who put up with my endless Q's on the issue.



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Sounds like an excellent combo, in much the same way as my C8 + APM 80mm combo. I use the 80mm for wide field, white-light solar, and hope to do guided imaging, and the C8 is the main planetary and DSO visual scope. Don't let anybody let you believe the mak is unsuitable for DSO viewing! Its performance on DSOs should be very similar to my C8's, and with say a 40mm Aero EP it should be excellent on galaxies and many other DSOs.

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Guys thanks again.  I will get a few FL shots of jupiter etc when I get it set up and get them on the forum.

Steve thank for the heads up and the link.  I will take a butchers

In addition to my last and completely flying of the subject;

Jonathan Ross this Sat.  Professor Brian Cox weaving his magic.

Dont miss it!

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