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Hertiage 130p - Vaseline is what's required?!

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So I've been troubled by the sloppy focuser on my 130p.  It works OK when you get used to it... but it doesn't feel good to operate, its wobbliness makes it harder to collimate the scope properly, and even with practice it's hard to get really good focus which holds when you take your hand off the focuser.

I tried PTFE tape on the threads and just didn't find it to work that well, couldn't get the right amount on to take the play out while not making the focuser too stiff to turn smoothly (and suspect it will come off quite quickly).

I didn't want to put any motor or bicycle grease anywhere near the scope, just seems to mucky and likely to get where it's not wanted.

It struck me this morning - Vaseline!  It's still greasy but not nearly so bad to get off a surface as motor grease, it's clean and thick and gloopy, just the thing!

My method of application was to rub a fair dollop onto the bottom half of the focuser, avoiding the bottom two turns of thread, then screw the focuser in and out to spread it around.  Wipe off any that's on the top half of the thread (none went on the bottom) and TaDa: turns smoothly, feels much nicer, doesn't flop around nearly so much!  Much easier to get good focus that stays once I take my hand off the focuser. :smiley:

I figured that since not much went on the top half of the focuser and none on the bottom, the greased bit is very unlikely to be exposed most of the time minimising the chance of it spreading around.

I've probably done something terrible haven't I? :eek:

Is this a really bad idea?!

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I believe some people have wrapped PTFE tape around the threads to reduce the slop in the focuser.

I did try that as it seems like the ideal solution, but just couldn't get it right.  I had a couple of goes but maybe I was just not patient enough to get the right amount...

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No the bit that holds the EP has a fairly course male thread and the bit it goes into has a female thread it screws in and out to focus.  Not complaining particularly, it's OK and no doubt it helps keep the price of the scope down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Martin ...

FWIW - I've used PTFE tape on my heritage 130p without any problems. I'd try and avoid any type of grease near your eyepieces  :eek:

Cell clearly I'm more ham-fisted than the average bear! :grin:  

I put on about 3 turns over the bottom half of the thread and it was really tight.  Tried less but then it just broke up.  I guess I'll try again some time...

I was worried about grease but then I thought, it's only Vaseline, it's not that likely to get on the EP lens and if it did it would come off with lens cleaning fluid.  I'd be worried if it could get on the primary but I can't see it doing that :eek:

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To solve this issue on my Heritage, i basically twisted the focuser in and out over and over (and over and over.................) to remove the paint from the threads on the inside of focuser. Works fine but not perfectly. Yes, i did avoid geting flakes of paint on the mirrors.

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Hi Paul,

At least I feel better that I'm not alone in thinking the feel and operation of the focuser on this thing is just... just not right!

I have to say the Vaseline has bedded in nicely and the focuser now turns very smoothly with no flopping about.  I'm sticking with my master plan for now!  I've also made a shroud / dew shield, which makes a big difference in my garden where there's lots of stray light.

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Cell clearly I'm more ham-fisted than the average bear! :grin:  

I put on about 3 turns over the bottom half of the thread and it was really tight.  Tried less but then it just broke up.  I guess I'll try again some time...

Loctite make a PTFE string which you can apply so it only goes in the thread, available from plumbing merchants 


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Hi Paul,

At least I feel better that I'm not alone in thinking the feel and operation of the focuser on this thing is just... just not right!

I have to say the Vaseline has bedded in nicely and the focuser now turns very smoothly with no flopping about.  I'm sticking with my master plan for now!  I've also made a shroud / dew shield, which makes a big difference in my garden where there's lots of stray light.

Of everyone here on SGL that owns a Heritage, the focuser is the single complaint they have about the scope, so you are not alone. Other then this single complaint.................its a great scope.

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