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Clear night forecast tonight


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Just put the dob out, hoping to get the first good look at Jupiter later. There's a high station pass at 18:33. :smiley:

Just put the dob out, hoping to get the first good look at Jupiter later. There's a high station pass at 18:33. :smiley:

I missed it 18:11 my end

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Just put the dob out, hoping to get the first good look at Jupiter later. There's a high station pass at 18:33. :smiley:

Thanks for the heads up. Yes lovely pass, not dark but still like a beacon.  It's nice to see a clear sky !


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It's been pretty decent here for once.  A bit breezy but the walls of the observatory have helped to keep the buffeting to a minimum.  Have managed 3 hours but the Moon is now affecting the AA8RC+QHY8 but the little frac with the SXV-H9 and an Ha filter should be okay for a while yet.

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I'd failed to keep an eye on the forecast and completely missed a night's observing.  Woke this morning to see the moon and Jupiter shining down out of a beautiful clear sky, Orion blazing away.  Oh well, at least the bike ride to work will be nice and sunny.

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Like James said. It was clear last night for about an hour but the transparency was rubbish. Very disappointing. Got the Saturn nebula but once I applied magnification it just turned to mush. Disappointing. Now the moon is rising later and a new one approaching, please weather gods, please give us Western European astronomers a break. Not fair!


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Great session last night after such a long time.

Did a few sketches of doubles and some open clusters.

Had to pack up at 11 as the clouds rolled in.

Also had some great closeup views of the moon through the Baader zoom set at 8mm with the 2.25 Barlow in the 120ed.


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