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stop punishing forum members for doing nothing wrong,posting links to other forums isnt against forum rules 'as said by the very ignorant admin of this site'

getting put on moderated posts and losing access to certain areas of the site for doing 'NOTHING WRONG' and breaking no rules isnt what i would call fair.

rethink your forum rules and change your site policy to'one rule for one and another rule for someone else'

also ignore the forum rules because if you dont break any we will still punish you anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd also like to add how friendly I have found this forum.

As all beginners, I asked the same question that probably every other newbie has asked, and not once did I get a response of "check the other threads".

I was greeted with enthusiasm and some very sound advice.

Having to get to 50 posts before I can look at some second hand gear is a struggle tho!!

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I'd also like to add how friendly I have found this forum.

As all beginners, I asked the same question that probably every other newbie has asked, and not once did I get a response of "check the other threads".

I was greeted with enthusiasm and some very sound advice.

Having to get to 50 posts before I can look at some second hand gear is a struggle tho!!

Don't worry about reaching the 50 post target. Your membership is way past the required duration, and the posts will soon accumulate.

A couple here and there soon mount up.:p


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This site is very friendly and helpful. No matter what questions I ask, even if its been asked before, I receive alot of helpful answers and good advice. Being new to owning a telescope, some of my questions have been really silly but the people who answer me have been so awesome with explanations, feedback, tips, and I really appreciate the time they put in.

Thank you, what a great bunch :-)

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Basically, I wouldn't still be interested in astronomy if it weren't for the brilliant people here on SGL. They congratulate you, they motivate you, they point you in the right direction. I've been a member of many forums in the past, but this surpasses them all.

Just brilliant!


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Just a joined a few days ago but kept finding my way here repeatedly via google for months.

I'm mainly browsing at the moment but - its a forum that has been up for years - there is just so much stuff to get through. I'm a bit reluctant to ask the most basic questions that I have because I'm sure if I just do a bit of searching I'll find what I need to know anyway and I'm sure regulars must get a bit bored answering the same questions repeatedly. Of course it's good to keep some banter going otherwise the forum dies though there doesn't seem much danger of that happening here.

Having the internet to find out about stuff about atronomy for a complete novice like myself has been real boon and SGL is definitely a prime resource.

I think I first found out about Stellarium and bought by binoculars after reading a thorough review/recommendation on here.

I suppose one thing that could make find the exact info you're after is with tagging posts eg. first telescope, dobs, brand names etc. But unless there's some plugin for the forum software that's might be hard to do - perhaps unnecessary - I'm still learning my way around after all.

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I've been a member here for some time and can't believe how helpful and polite all the members are. This is my first port of call each day and in the time I have been a member I think that the I have seen no more than two/three posts that were in my opinion out of order. Compared to other forums this is by far the best to which I subscibe.

Thanks to all the Mods, Admins, you the members and FLO for their support.

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The HUGE difference between this site and any other technical forum (Linux, SQL etc) i am a member of is how willing people are prepared to answer the most banal of questions. Over and over again. Try that on another forum and they all get mighty peeved by you. Big props to the site and the knowledge, helpfulness and patience of the members.

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I am a bit of neebie (just got back to it in the last two years)

I am not a big forum poster, I tend to lurk and learn........

I have got to say that this is one of the friendliest, and informative forums ever.

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Loving the site so far, informative and friendly.

What I'd love to have sene early on is a brief explanation of the setups available. I spent at least 3 days thinking a Dobsonian was a type of scope, until the lightbulb came on and I realised it was the mount. So basic, yet so confusing to begin with.

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Well, having just been browsing the threads and reading the sorts of comments that get posted, I think this forum is amazing. Everyone seems just so helpful.

I do agree with CJBooth's comment above, that would be helpful to newbies. I was fortunate enough to have read a lot about scopes to have discovered that little gem of info out before I got here, but I bet a lot of new visitors haven't.

Although, having said that, all you need to do is ask and all the helpful guys and girls around here will explain that sort of thing very quickly and in a friendly way which is also good as it helps get the new visitors talking to the more experienced visitors.

All I'll add is, I've only been here a short while and so far I love this site. :)

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Oooh, one thing I've noticed, though I acknowledge I may just be missing it somewhere, is that there is no link to "threads I've posted to".

This can be really handy, for me anyway, to look back and see replies in threads after mine.

I'm sure there is a way to see them on here already, I just can't see it atm......

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Fariniac - there is indeed a way to do that :)

You just need to click on the 'Control Panel' link in the top left - the main pane will list any threads you're currently subscribed to that have had new posts added since you last read that thread. You are automatically subscribed to any threads you've posted to, so you'll see any new posts to those there too.

There's also a "View all subscribed threads" link in the main pane, so you can use that to see everything you've subscribed to, even if there are no new entries.

And welcome btw :(

Matsey :p

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You can learn lots from books, but in my opinion this forum is far more helpful ! I've been on here for a few months now and have to say the way you get quick, precise and friendly replies is invaluable to me. What may seem trivial questions are not treated with any disrespect like I've heard can happen on other sites, so basically thanks for providing this great place. Cheers, Lee.

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Well all i can say about this place is that it is GREAT not only have i learned so much about what scope i am really looking for but also (very important) it stopped me from just jumping in and then regreting it.

I havent got my scope yet but have learnt how to finally use my dslr camera which i have had for like a yr now and got some good pics from but now get great pics.

people are friendly and always willing to help even with people like me :) who dont always understand what was clearly said.


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