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you not got your 200mm up there soupy?

Well tonight i set up in the back garden, but street light on one side and the moon on the other conspired to make visual a waste of time.


people on here say you cant image with a non goto dob

people on here say you cant get good images A-focally

people on here say you cant image the moon with a DSLR.

hahahaha - so i had to have a go.

All with my samsung nx100 with 18-50mm kit lens shot hand held through my 32mm panaview on my 12" dob.





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Well done on the comet soupy and photo's Nick

Had my First view of Saturn rising on the low eastern horizon this winter at 7am through a little 80mm finder scope. Could just make out the elliptical shape.

Spica was also about the same elevation to the south east. Nice to see the heart of Virgo and should provide some great galaxy hunting with a bit more aperture.

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Well done on photographing Lovejoy Soupy. I couldn't find it, but I think there was too much light pollution from where I was viewing. Unfortunately, I had too much vino-collapso to drive out for a darker sky. Are the two top stars of the "square" of Lepis just below the highest dense cloud, with the lower two stars of the square about an inch from the bottom of the photo (just above and to either side of the comet)? I'm sure I was looking in the right place looking at the chart on the internet, but I couldn't find it. I'm hoping for it to clear this evening to have another go! :)

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Thanks Vicky. The top two stars above the dense cloud are the head of Lepus yes. The small bright star below the red square to the right as you look at the picture is epsilon Lepus and the brighter star to the left and just above the level of the square is Nihal.

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Damian how you get on with John with the mirror today?

It's a rather annoying trebor extra strong mint!!!!! 

Here's the verdict as posted on Flickr

John was a little concerned that the image above showed the shadow to be at a slight angle. It was just that I'd set the knife edge up at an angle so no astigmatism which is good.

Formulated a plan as the surface isn't a sphere with the hill in and also the edge being steeper than it should be as can be seen with the shadow.

Long strokes with weight on the lap to flatten everything.

Tried this yesterday evening and it has resulted in more scratches than my parents record collection has!! 

Conclusion is it's too cold to polish at present in the garage and the pitch is too hard. The surface is very reflective but the scratches are gutting :-(

I may have to return to 600 grit to remove the scratches then wait while the weather warms up sufficiently so the pitch is softer.

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