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hi on stellerium you can track some satellites ,can you track the space station if so what do you type in search box , I tried iss and international space station and space station , but none of these are showing , is there a proper name or number to type in , tried nasa but there web sites closed

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Not sure about Stellarium, but try the Heavens Above website. You just enter your location to get details of visible satellites including the ISS.

If you have a smartphone or tablet there are also a few apps which will do a similar job


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done the heavens-above.com site found it really clear to understand , I shall even know when the iridium flares happen , not sure if ive ever seen one before , I might have without realising , but I shall be able to compare now , don't have iphone or anything like that to do apps, I still live in dark ages ,I don't have tv my mobile just does phone calls , even me computer is new to me, but thanks for all the info ,

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Hello and welcome to SGL.

I've never tried tracking the ISS with Stellarium, but the other day, whilst using Stellarium, the ISS passed across the monitor screen whilst I was planning the night's observing, so you must be able to!

As m37 has said, check the plugins.


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I'll try to explain this best I can...

Start up Stellarium, Press F2 to display the Configuation window.

In this window click the "Plug-ins" tab on the far right, in the list that is displayed on the left of the window click "Satellites". in the bottom of the window there should be an "Options" section, tick the box that says "Load at startup".

That should make the satellites (including the ISS) load next time you start Stellarium, so close the program and start it up again.

Now along the bottom near the time speed controls there should be a button that looks like a satellite called "Satellite Hints" or just press shortcut CTRL + Z.

Now that this part is active you should be able to press Find (F3) and type "ISS" and hit enter.

Of course as I say this the ISS is actually passing over us, good timing!

That should work and if you're lucky enough to spot it you might even grab a picture!

Here's a link to a composite image I made to show my friends Saturn and ISS that I took in the same evening.


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