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Hello to all!

I found this web site when doing some google searches on some astro goodies I was considering. I like the layout and the fact that this is a fairly international community (and a friendly one at that!).

I've been into astronomy since I was a kid. My first scope was a 4" Newtonian which I had for many years before giving it to someone who would share it better with the next generation. Currently, I have a Konus (Synta) 120, on a Vixen GP2 mount, with Moonlight focuser. Not exactly state of the art, but it provides ample delights when observing.

I am a member of a local astro club, serve as their secretary and write the monthly newsletter. The club supports 16" and 20" reflectors permanently mounted at our observatory site. Its a great club with 12-15 very active members. We host public viewings once per month in the spring-summer-fall seasons.

I work as a contractor for the space agency and provide geodetic, geophysical and programming expertise to support research in Earth science projects, nowadays having to do with the cryosphere.

So, I look forward to spending some time reading and posting (mostly reading, I suspect) - with the hope that I can partake in what appears to be a great community.

Cheers - John (MacP)

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Hi John, and a very warm welcome to the lounge

this is a great site, so many helpful and knowledgeable folk,

stargazing is a superb hobby but there is a lot to learn, so I'm

sure with your experience you can give plenty of advice.

Clear Sky's 

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