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Hello all!

I've been quietly following SGL for quite some time now, and I think the time has finally come to introduce myself here :)

My name is Tomek, I live in Warsaw, Poland, and as I think of it, I've always been interested in astronomy, however not always in an active way. It all started about 20 years ago when I was still a kid. I vaguely remember watching on the Polish TV an episode of Start Trek The Next Generation, which I was amazed at, and so my interest in the Universe was born. Soon after my parents gave me a general (for kids) book about the cosmos, the Earth and other planets, etc. Unfortunately books were the only thing I could get my hands on - telescopes were very sparse and expensive to get, and due to growing light pollution I was unable to observe anything except the moon (and later on the Hale-Bopp comet which I remember very well). So having no contact with other people who would be interested in astronomy, and no means of actively engaging in the hobby, I allowed it to somewhat drift away into dormancy and be replaced by other time-consuming activities like playing the piano.

It was so untill about 2 years ago when I discovered that the telescope market has grown quite a bit, and telescopes themselves are much cheaper than they used to be, not to mention that now there are many kinds to choose from: maksutovs, newtonians, refractors and what not. Soon, after a short but fun period with bino, I got myself an 8" newtonian on a german mount (EQ5 I think) and the good times have finally begun. Then I got interested in astrophotography and so over time I've made more or less necessery and suitable changes to my setup. My recent (it arrived today, yay!) acquisition connected with that matter is Atik 314L+ mono camera which replaces my Pentax DSLR (not terribly good in astro...) and which I think prompted me to say "hi!" and start taking part in this great community that is SGL.

Clear skies, everyone!


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