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Worst night ever


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I went stargazing last night to Snowdonia to my usual site, stopped were I usually do And admired the views, then as usual I turned the car around as I was driving over this rise in the dirt track there was a bang didn't think much of it until I turned around and was heading back greated with a oil slick yes you guessed it I had shattered my sump. Right what now I thought so I decided to push the car and jump in when I came to a hill, I then got the car safe or more important my kit. Then I thought who can I phone for a tow my Bro in law, good idea looked at my phone but no signal so I had to walk for 7 miles until I got a signal. Made the phone call waited near 2hour and then got towed back, but all the way home the sky's were beautiful and jupiter looked awesome, so now I need a new car what a nightmare

sent from my Sony Xperia

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I thought my night the other night was bad. unknowingly 'found' a present left by the dog in the garden, walked all over the paving stones before I reached down, wondering what was stuck to my shoe. on touching it, I realised...........why oh why did I sniff my finger........??????

your tale is much worse though - really sorry to hear it mate. hope it's not too expensive for you.

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I'm tempted Derek sounds the right vehicle

sent from my Sony Xperia

I love my 4X4,make sure you get the "skid" plates,so you don't punch holes in the transfer case.......that one cost me $2500.00 years ago :sad: & I installed the new case myself.....4x4's are awesome,more maintainence though.
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bad news mate,hope its not too much to fix....nearly as bad a night at the astro-fest I went this weekend....rusty n simon had a look through my 21E in there 14" and 16" dobs, just think how much that's gonna cost them! :lol:

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