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Hello, and a long overdue thank you

Zuben Elgenubi

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Hello everybody

I have been browsing this site for around 18 months or so, so it is about time that I registered and thanked all of the members for the advice they have provided.

After observing the Orion nebula with binoculars in February last year I knew that I would be buying a telescope. From reading many threads on SGL I decided on a Skyliner 200P, and what a good choice that was. I was amazed not only at what was to be seen in the night sky, but that such a capable telescope could be bought relatively cheaply. Over the last year I have observed Jupiter and Saturn - WOW, the first sight of these two was absolutely breath-taking - around 25 Messier objects, the ISS and many satellites, meteors and of course the moon. And all from a light polluted back garden in Telford!

Recently I have found myself becoming interested in photographing what I am observing. This is most definitely the fault of the members of SGL and the wonderful images posted on the site! I bought Making Every Photon Count out of curiosity as it comes so highly recommended on here. My first thought was how complicated imaging seemed and that, as someone who is fairly useless with technology (particularly anything to do with computers and software), it would be a really silly thing to try and get into. Nevertheless, several months on and I now own an HEQ5 Pro and an Explorer 150PDS. I am even beginning to produce some images that resemble the objects I am trying to capture!

Anyway, before this becomes a much longer and less interesting essay, another enormous thank you to the collective knowledge of the SGL members. Without the advice that I have picked up here I am sure that I would have wasted money through unsuitable purchases of scopes, eyepieces and all the other equipment used in this wonderful hobby. Hopefully I may be able to contribute to the SGL community in some way.


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Thank you all for the warm welcome :smiley:

Schorhr - just some of the easier targets from the small part of the sky that I can see from my garden. Cygnus and Lyra are well placed at the moment so I've tried to capture M27 and M57, had a go at NGC7000 as well. I need more data though, and also better processing - unfortunately I'm something of a computer dunce!

I may post some images when I have something worth sharing - I need to learn some processing skills first...

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