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Maccers joins FLO


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Keeping on top of communications is essential yet it is the one area where I struggle! Not through lack of commitment but because FLO generates so many of them! Greg recently joined FLO on a part-time basis to help with some of the technical enquiries but we have continued to grow to the point where we need a third person.

I am very pleased to announce that James - aka Maccers - has come onboard :embarassed:

James is an experienced astronomer and an active member of SGL. Like Greg, he will initially concentrate on emailed enquiries sent to our help-desk at questions@firstlightoptics.com and will assist at outdoor events such as the SW Astro Fair, club-talks and Star Parties.

Yes, I know, its hard work but someone has to do it :icon_jokercolor:

We are very pleased to have James onboard and look forward to working with him.

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